@Oklahoma City Thunder

We finally got the details on the 2029 pick Denver traded to OKC. It’s Top 5 protected in 2029 and 2030, and becomes a 2030 second-rounder if it hasn’t conveyed by then.

More context from [Jon Hamm](

“this all hinges on a first round pick that Denver owes Orlando in 2025, which is protected 1-5 thru 2027. Assuming the Nuggets don’t suddenly sink to the bottom of the league, they should send a first to ORL in 2025, a first to OKC in 2027, and then a first to OKC in 2029.”

by butterbeancd


  1. moore415


  2. boybraden

    God it’s nice having the best GM in basketball run your favorite team

  3. MakeCocktailsNotWar


  4. Severe-Background-74

    Denver will still likely be good but a lot can happen in 7 years so who knows

  5. MediumOtter

    Middle schoolers all around the Country are hyped that they may end up being drafted by the Thunder with this pick.

  6. I_Brain_You

    My god…we’re going to have a complete team if the current iteration doesn’t work. It’s insane to think about.

  7. TheKyotoProtocol

    Could someone explain to me why we made the trade in the first place? I am sure it’s obvious, but trading 2 seconds and our own first next year for a 2029 first just doesn’t make sense to me, I guess it’s just a gamble that they’ll be trash in 6 years?

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