@Houston Rockets

since that one user was banned, i never got to use this account

since that one user was banned, i never got to use this account

by chadebator


  1. htownballa1

    Wouldn’t know, he was muted early on last year.

  2. Suitable_Snow7761

    I mean dang he stood in his belief on kpj … but banned is bit extreme over it honestly.

  3. aliterati

    Who would have thought KPJ would outlast Solace?

    That’s really gotta piss him off.

  4. get-blessed

    Pretty funny but thankfully both of those dudes are in the past now where they belong 🤞🏼

  5. AdmirableRise3758

    Say anything about kpj that wasnt mean and he will type a long and toxic reply about why you’re wrong. Could not carry a normal convo with that dude at all

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