@National Basketball Association

[OC]Nikola Jokic most unique skill – predicting events 5-10 seconds in the future and directing traffic accordingly

Jokic won it with Nuggets, and celebrated wildly. One of the most amazing stories from being drafted during commercials, to becoming an MVP and eventually wining it all as a main man of the franchise.

People will praise his floaters – he has that unique skill to shoot bunnies from 3-6 feet distance that somehow always go in. On top of that, he can bang you down low, he has that physique

He also has a great shooting form Bird-like, that enables him to be a great FT maker, and also to shoot them from the outside, and to bait people into it. He even added his own twist on the fade-away shot by doing a step-back with the off-leg and people call it Sombor Shuffle

He is also an assist savant, that hits newly acquired Nuggets players in the head with the ball, until they realize that in every moment Jokic can pass it.

But many people watch only highlights and, at least before this year, didnt have many opportunities to watch Nuggets and his most unique skill – Foresight.

The thing is, Jokic is able to see 5 seconds in future. And it’s not entirely a joke, it would seem. He knows where every 10 players on the floor will be, in the next couple of seconds, and he directs his team mates accordingly.

[Jokic tells Monte where to stand, so that 5 seconds in the future he will score an easy lay-up](

[Jokic predicts the entire Rockets defense and calculates the 2% possible path for Will Barton and still uses it, shows him where to go, for a cut and score](

[Jokic uses the invisible joypad to move every Nuggets player so that Bruce Brown could score an easy lay-up](

Feel free to add more videos like this if you can remember, cause there are more, surely.

Just wanted to share, as I personally find this amazing. Jokic offense is some elevated form of basketball, that confuses even experienced players. When you factor in physicality of basketball, adrenaline, quick timings, the entire arena, fans, lights around you, score, context, etc, and you are able to add another layer of thought above all that to become a floor general, that is just amazing.

by Sekiritza


  1. Crisis_Averted

    Before anyone starts kneejerk hating, the first clip already is UNREAL.
    Funnily enough, saying Jokić *sees* the future actually diminishes his legend.
    No, he *creates* the future, molds it to his will with his fox-like strength… of mind.

    Jokić told the corpse of Morris “Just come stand here smothered by two defenders”, then in split second he 4D checkmated the defense to serve Montenegro Morris the easiest basket of his life.

  2. SquimJim

    That confirms it for me. Jokic is a Mistborn burning atium

  3. ShukiNathan

    MF unlocked advanced observation haki

  4. EbenezerAD

    Ngl I was ready to call this another Jokic meatriding post but the first clip is actually insane.

  5. thunderous2007

    mans a fucking jedi. I wonder what his midichlorian count is?

  6. DrBigChicken

    Ah shit I sent a clip to my buddy awhile back, I gotta try to find it

  7. Irish-Jokic-Stan

    Here’s one against the Heat which shows how Jokic can elevate his teammates playmaking off ball. I remember watching it live being surprised KCP tried that pass, so watching the break down and seeing the play leading up to it was cool.

  8. LuisScolaGOAT

    That first clip is fucking nuts. He really anticipated every single defender’s moves perfectly.

  9. SaberSerra

    most unique? sounds like every great point guard/playmaker does this, directing the ball and controlling the defense. anticipation and creating opportunity.

    its great of course and rare for centers, id say its his most unique skill over other all time great centers.

  10. Batman_in_hiding

    Yea those clips are fucking wild.

    This is the kind of shit that gets completely ignored when only looking at stat lines and random advanced stats.

    It comes across as just an assist when in reality the impact is so much stronger

  11. jitterbug726

    Someone call USADA, this Serbian is definitely using future-predicting drugs

  12. CuckyMcSimpLord

    That first clip is like chess to Jokic. Places his pieces in the right position for attack and strikes with deadly precision. I wonder what role he plays in csgo, has to be IGL

  13. carvemynuts

    This would not reach the Lebron meatriding levels of upvotes and awards but these are way better plays.

  14. ClutchGamingGuy

    Feel like we’re misusing the word ‘prediction’. He isn’t predicting the future, he’s **making** it. Jokic can make plays the defense can’t adequately stop in game time because he’s not someone you can leave undefended.

  15. DoctorAco

    Do Barton and Monte get a ring? IIRC guys who got traded could also get a ring.

  16. DonElDoug

    He is the time manipulator, the king of Haki and has the best sharingan

  17. rattatatouille

    Nikola Jokic and his Stand Epitaph

  18. thrift365

    Pass by Jamal on that first clip was absolutely filthy

  19. peteisneat

    People say that life isn’t fair, but being blessed with the Jokic Era of basketball after rooting for this godforsaken franchise since then mid-80’s seems like the perfect trade off.

  20. MrAppleSpoink

    He and LeBron are the only players I’ve ever seen with this level of IQ.

  21. LegateDamar13

    His strongest ability is to recognize most simplistic pass that triggers dominos falling without any effort from that moment on until the end of the action.

    Somehow huge majority of the players(and viewers) are unable to recognize it due to maby lackadaisical nature of it.

    For me, Joker is “bball essence” = he plays the sport the way it’s supposed to be played.
    Very unique and special player.

    I’m very close to retiring from watching basketball religiously once he calls it quits as i believe he showed me what I’ve always wanted to see and don’t think it can get any better. Only player in history of the game that consistently tricked my predictions of where the ball is going next and I’ve watched it since Magic.

    He’s just 1 of 1 and imo best passer in history. As mentioned, for me he’s more complete passer than anyone else including Magic. It might be unpopular opinion and someone is likely to get triggered but idc really.

  22. Sputnik42

    Yes he knows most opposition plays and during playoff all plays but IMO that is not different from most other players. What makes him special is calmness and composure to wait for right move.

  23. loco_mixer

    The best one is… he sorta gets assist without touching the ball. He shows teammate where to pass

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