@National Basketball Association

Paul Pierce explains why he’s better than Dwyane Wade “Put Shaq on my team, put LeBron and Bosh with me. I’m not going to win one?”

Paul Pierce explains why he’s better than Dwyane Wade “Put Shaq on my team, put LeBron and Bosh with me. I’m not going to win one?”

by Mechaultima


  1. Funny-Transition7869

    i mean i cant even name pierces top 5 teammates before the big 3 so he has a point

  2. d4videnk0

    Neither Heat Shaq was Lakers Shaq nor Heatles Wade was 2006-09 Wade. Pierce was great but now he’s such a bum.

  3. Jasperbeardly11


    Only thing pierce has on wade is distance on his jumper. Had wade been able to shoot even about 33% on threes he would have been a much higher ranked player.

  4. ilickedysharks

    Files this under things only Paul Pierce believes

  5. _Nolofinwe_

    Paul Pierce wishes he was Dwayne Wade, GTFOH

    When was Pierce ever considered even a top 3 nba player?

    There is a huge difference between being really good and being all-time great

  6. throwaway561298

    I’m not saying he’s better than Wade, because he’s not but cmon guys.

    You’re saying if LeBron and Bosh joined him all in their primes, he wouldn’t have more chips?

  7. winch234

    He had KG ray allen and rando with a great bench for more then 4 years, it wasn’t late in his career since he retired in 2016, and they formed around 2007.

    THEY ONLY won 1 CHIP

  8. Imzarth

    Pierce and 06 Shaq don’t win shit lmao

  9. sheeeeeez

    I can’t explain it but watching Pierce majority of his career, he was always way better than his stats imo. He didn’t get nervous or was afraid of competition.

  10. It’s kind of sad that these guys have nothing better to do than have these “who’s better than whom” conversations.

  11. larrylegend1990

    We don’t love you like that. It is what it is.

    I can’t say hes wrong to think that way. Him with Lebron and Bosh would win at least one ring.

  12. cornballerburns

    Didn’t Jalen Rose shit on this take live on ESPN?

  13. Bookstorm2023

    All I’m confident about is Paul has seen more escorts than D-Wade.

  14. supremehat27

    As in the same Shaq who averaged 14 ppg in the 06 Finals?

  15. urasmisis

    I agree with him, I agree with everything he said.

  16. Generalocity

    NBA subreddit underrates Paul Pierce so hard lmao

  17. Simple-Ad-7866

    This man gassed up his only ring for one season more that I see Wade talk about his three rings

  18. BrutalOptimism

    I don’t think anything he says here is false necessarily

  19. TealHorseReturns

    Why did camron say pause on “amazing skillset”. Definition of homophobia lol constantly afraid to SOUND gay

  20. HS941317


    Yeah cause KG got fucking injured in year 2 so they couldn’t even defend their title and to the fact all were in their 30’s and past their prime after the first 2 seasons together. But this doesn’t surprise me that people view this way about the Celtics big 3 and not realizing they came together at an older age and dealt with injury. Half of r/nba probably started watching basketball 10 years or less.

    Wade literally had Shaq in year 2 and then prime Lebron and prime Bosh for a good stretch.

    So yeah, this isn’t a false statement that Pierce could’ve potentially won 3 championships too.

    But Wade at his best and prime albeit shorter, was a better player than Pierce and Pierce is my favorite player ever.

  21. Serious question. Why is wade considered that much better than pierce?

  22. DarthSamwiseAtreides

    I know someone will pull some different era stats, but Pierce was really fucking good.

  23. TheCoon2100

    This dude is constantly talking about Wade. However, Wade doesn’t even remember this guy exists. Hilarious

  24. Sleyeme

    Paul Pierce has regressed back to 2018, someone needs bring him back to reality again

  25. Rocwondachef

    Waiting for Paul to ask who is a better defender. Also waiting for him to ask who is a better passer. Come on Paul.

  26. Rebeldinho

    Paul Pierce catching a lot of hate for this but lets not pretend he’s not a hall of famer. They both are I actually feel they’re pretty close

  27. SensitiveRocketsFan

    Didn’t this dude have KG and Allen? Wah wah

  28. Ok-You-874

    2006 Mavericks got fucked by the referees. You couldn’t get near Wade without being called for a foul. So scratch 2006 title, everything else Pierce says is the Truth. Had he had Shaq, Lebron, or Bosh in his prime, he’s probably sitting with 3 or 4 rings. Arguably Paul Pierce is a better fit next LeBron than Dwyane Wade.

  29. CrobraCrommander

    This take is like his wheel chair incident. 💩

  30. Actual_Ad_2801

    I mean yeah i think Paul+LBJ+Bosh could win at least one title. But if we’re trying to compare Pierce to Wade wouldn’t the question be more like: could Pierce+LBJ+Bosh beat Wade+LBJ+Bosh? Personally I don’t think so but there’s definitely room for debate.

  31. Buckus93

    I mean, you put me on a team with LeBron and Bosh and I have a chance, too.

  32. davygravy1337

    Paul Pierce played with Shaq in 2010-2011 and didn’t win it all. Checkmate

  33. Paul pierce is proof you CAN smoke too much weed

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