@Golden State Warriors

How will this work with two big egos colliding?

How will this work with two big egos colliding?

by Psychological917


  1. osapjules

    It wont. Historically an aging superstar has never been able to bring a team over the hump – whether its karl malone w/ lakers, barkley etc etc. As much as I loathe CP, it can only work if CP is empowered to be more of a voice in the locker room than dray. Ever since our vets leaving, dray has needed a vet over him to really reign him in

  2. bbcjay718

    Egos ??? They’re both leaders. An when your a leader you’re not the most liked. Your talking about 2 high iq players on the team which benefits us to win games. The only concern is that dray is runs the locker room and it’s been his job as the leader of the team. Cp has been a leader everywhere he’s goes, so possibly you can expect arguments and dialogue’s from the them from a basketball standpoint. But overall I think they’ll be fine these are grown men we’re talking about and doing what’s best for the team.

  3. Muted-Brick-8066

    Curry is the leader of the team, he just need someone to run an offense and score when he’s not on the court. It will work, Draymond gonna fall in line

  4. Nessmuk58

    Draymond cannot be trusted in this situation. If we mean to make a roster with CP3 a success, then Steph, Klay, and Coach Kerr have to make it clear they welcome him and value him as a teammate. If they don’t, then there’s every chance that he and Draymond clash.

  5. Ok-Roof-978

    CP3 and Draymond will work out.

    If I had to guess, CP3 would be the one to take a step back and let the long-standing core do “its thing”

    Otherwise, CP3 will be looking at being traded in January. It’s in his best interest to “play nice”

  6. It is up to Kerr to do better with his players than he did in past years. With the Draymond and KD situation, Kerr and the warriors dropped the ball, and they did it again last year. For a team that has talked about culture for years, they have lacked it in big moments.

  7. jadenally

    steph will have to be more engaged to manage the locker room. all these two have tremendous respect for him and they will listen to him. steph knows he has to manage their egos if they’re to win a chip. so i see him putting everyone in his place and kind of giving them specific different leadership roles! CP3 understands this so well. he is a pro!

  8. Kedosto

    As soon as I heard about CP3 I immediately thought about personality/locker room dynamics. I mean, it’ll be great if everyone can get along. It’ll be a disaster if they can’t.

  9. PlayfulAd8354

    It will either be amazing and work out perfectly or it’ll be a trash fire.

    You’re worst enemies can be the best of friends. It’s rare

  10. MrNotSensitive

    Let’s be honest. Draymond is the only one with an ego here.

  11. TheBobInSonoma

    Dray needs to be told to STFU and play basketball

  12. Draymond_Purple

    They’re both elite competitors, and they will respect that in each other

  13. BudgetBlackberry3

    Nothing to worry about here because CP3 is gonna fall apart even quicker than usual. So unless Draymond has something to say about Paul’s street clothes it’s gonna be smooth sailing

  14. RogerRabbit79

    I wonder if cp3 is looking at all this Draymond crap and thinking oh god I’m gonna be dealing with this all season?

  15. sasinsea

    CP’s coming into an established culture that’s won four rings. He’s gonna have to check his ego if he’s the savvy vet and player people think he is.

  16. North_Street_8547

    It won’t work. Down vote me but remember what I said when this season is over

  17. When will Dray say “We don’t neva need u” Before the allstar game or after?

  18. rekishi321

    Draymond got his bag, no more mr nice guy, he’s going to wreak havoc in the locker room…..

  19. Acrobatic-Simple-161

    Dray and CP will probably be fine? Idk doesn’t seem like an obvious personality clash to me

  20. DWGrithiff

    Any issues with CP3 will be about health, not fit, the end.

  21. great-distances-1919

    This is being blown way out of proportion, of course. On the Pat Bev podcast, Dray had many great things to say about CP3. Top 5 BB IQ, a “dog”, will “do anything to win”, just like Dray. The hatred comes from playing against him in a vicious rivalry. This one doesn’t feel personal- Poole felt personal. Shit- every Dubs fan hates CP3 anyway.

  22. IMayBeTheeAsshole

    Everyone in the nba rightly have a big ego. They are gonna be just fine.

  23. Jo_Gray

    Draymond massively respects CP for his IQ and leadership! Draymond is only really a dick if he doesn’t respect someone.

  24. Wonderful-Media-2000

    Worked fine with kd only injuries stopped that team

  25. mistergeegaga

    CP3 is just an alpha personality, enhanced through his work ethic, practice habits, and play style. He will make everyone better. Draymond’s game is also unselfish, but his personality unfortunately is a bit more selfish. I don’t see issues between them, but there is a better chance CP3 is “correct” if there is any issue. I’m interested to see this, everyone shoots better wherever CP3 arrives (see how he had ppl thinking Dennis Schroeder was a 3-point shooter) so I’m predicting a 50-40-90 season for Steph, with him shooting 60-50-100(lol) in the minutes he plays with CP3.

  26. Wayne_E_Cal1

    Draymond will appreciate the help. And Paul will get to win a title.

  27. sphlightning

    It won’t work out, nothing will work out as long as we have Dray on the team ruining the locker

  28. Duckysawus

    Who said the egos will collide?

    Think Dray understands that the second unit needs a savvy veteran floor leader and that he’s lucky that’ll be CP3.

    And CP3 understands this is probably his best chance at a ring and he’ll do what is asked of him.

    This isn’t a superstar in his prime joining an in-physical prime younger core with confident Dray feeling like that superstar isn’t needed.

  29. ShaiHulud1111

    The only vocal and intelligent leader (and enforcer) is Draymond. No West or Bogut. He makes mistakes, but Curry just isn’t that type of leader. Poole probably deserved the punch from everything I have heard. Not surprised he mouthed off once too many times. But CP3 should work. He’s about done…grab a ring any way you can. He will make the second unit tough to deal with.

    Edit: spelling/grammar

  30. EnoughLawfulness3163

    Draymond is known for being able to put his ego aside and get along with his teammates

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