@Golden State Warriors

Andrew Nicholson: “I see it as an insecurity on [Draymond Green’s] end… I like seeing guys do well… When someone has kind of that insecurity and doesn’t want to see someone else do well or is questioning 11 years later why this guy was [drafted] before me, it’s kind of disappointing.”

Andrew Nicholson: “I see it as an insecurity on [Draymond Green’s] end… I like seeing guys do well… When someone has kind of that insecurity and doesn’t want to see someone else do well or is questioning 11 years later why this guy was [drafted] before me, it’s kind of disappointing.”

by screwbitfloor


  1. InevitableBudget510

    That podcast got him on just so he can respond to Dray 🤣. Dray giving him his 5 seconds of fame.

  2. imminentjogger5

    Who is this and what did Draymond say about him?

  3. likethemapples84

    Some players may have insecurities and intrinsic motivations to allow them to play better. Some people could view it as petty, all is fair

  4. giantdub49

    Dray used it as fuel. Tf is he insecure about? 4 rings? Securing a legacy? This dude is a clown. His biggest relevance is dray saying his name lol

  5. shualton

    If Draymond wasn’t so insecure then he wouldn’t be a future hall of famer

  6. Overall-Surround-925

    We all remember 2 point guards were drafted before Steph. So what’s your point?

  7. moreVCAs

    I love that we’ve reached the point in the discourse where having a chip on your shoulder is being contextualized as weakness of some kind. Draymond is a unique case because he shares everything without any filter. But lots of people use perceived slights from the past as motivation to work double hard in the present. There’s a Don Quixote tilting at windmills aspect, sure, but being self-motivated is good, actually. Hot take I guess.

  8. survivor_bigmover

    dude is a human. why are you shaming insecurity like everyone walks around confident. michael jordan has insecurities. this piling on is stupid

  9. Zlasher8

    It’s a sound response but let’s be real for a moment. I’m sure Mr Nicholson would take a quarter of Drays success for a quarter of his insecurity. It’s not black and white holier than thou.

  10. DoctorKajita

    Draymond is so dumb, man. I love him, and think he’s a brilliant basketball player, but OMG, he’s just so dumb. He’s like a human Pandora’s box and his mouth is the opening.

  11. BigBaldPurpleTitan

    This is such a dumb thing everyone is getting worked up about

  12. dating_derp

    All these people posting this Draymond shit love the drama.

  13. smashsurvivor

    What a way to frame Draymonds comments about you, got clowned on by Draymond in passing and react like –

    Question to Dray: Who was one player you couldn’t believe was drafted before you? Bring me back to 2012.

    Feedback from Nicolson: I didn’t know you were thinking about me everyday for the past 11 years. That mean he insecure and prob cant read, now lemme win you over by acting humble while not addressing that I’m a bust.

    GTFOH – just take the L.

  14. promethazinep

    I’m a die hard Warriors fan since the early 80’s.

    Draymond is a bozo and only cares about himself. I’ve been out on Draymond since he cost us the title by getting suspended in 2016.

    He’s been enabled by everyone(Kerr, Steph, Front office) around him and now they have to deal with whatever comes from it.

  15. Fabulous_Investment6

    I think Draymond isn’t doing himself, or his legacy, any favors this off-season.It’s one thing to be an outspoken, charismatic “heart and soul” type player, but calling people out and retaliating on social media is not the championship culture this team is known for.

    They say that the old lion roars the loudest. Unfortunately, Dray is proving that old axiom to be true.

  16. Jicama-Smart

    I mean…being successful at professional sports and being a well adjusted, emotionally balanced human don’t seem to correlate.

  17. Kerr_Plop

    Andrew Nicholson la opinion is not relevant

  18. cock-a-dooodle-do

    This applies to GOATs like MJ & Kobe too. MJ is one of the most petty insecure individual this sport has ever known. Unfortunately this is how some elite performers motivate themselves.

  19. Ok-Roof-978

    4 rings.

    To be fair, late first rounders and second rounders aren’t really expected to succeed in the nba.

    Green exceeded expectations. He happened to land on a team that was tailor made for his skill set.

    Wouldn’t be so sure he’d lasted this long in the NBA on another team. Mostly due to his lack of scoring ability. He needed loads of time to develop into the player he became. And giving the ball off to Steph and Klay initially. Then KD was later added. Playing with greatness, sometimes all you have to do is be clever and give the ball off to greatness

  20. Greelys

    MJ used to make up beefs just to motivate himself to play better. Steph tries to beat himself. Fuck everyone who hasn’t done shit badmouthing all time greats instead of learning.

  21. KnotSoSalty

    You’d have to be pretty stupid to not have any insecurities as a professional basketball player. Draymond just doesn’t hide his shit as well as everyone else.

  22. He’s right. Michael Jordan was also very insecure. Kept inventing things to motivate himself, punched teammates, etc. If he didn’t have that problem maybe he’d be a good player.

    Some players need these narratives to motivate themselves. Draymond seems to need to make this noise and be the villain.

  23. JustForKicks16

    I don’t know if Draymond is insecure or not, but I don’t agree that he doesn’t want others to succeed. He speaks very highly of those players he respects. If you listen to his podcast, he is always giving praise to certain players. But with that being said, I don’t think it’s necessary for him to talk some of the crap he does about others. I don’t know the reason why he does it, but I don’t particularly care for it.

  24. Mattie_Doo

    Tom Brady lists all the quarterbacks drafted before him and everyone is impressed by his obsessively competitive spirit.

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