@Houston Rockets

How Steph Curry Owned the Houston Rockets

#StephCurry #Rockets #Warriors

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  1. Real ones know that Steph owns C avs, B oston, C lipper, P ortland, R ockets, T hunder and P elicans!

  2. Sorry to be that Guy that corrects your grammar. But you would say they got sent to Houston and Brooklyn, respectively, not respectfully.

  3. as a rockets fan..i couldn’t agree anymore. steph fucked us up.

  4. Bet you won't have the balls to make a video of Curry choking his best season when they won 74 games.

  5. While I agree the warriors did a lot of damage but let’s be real, if CP3 was healthy in 2018 they would’ve been NBA champions

  6. i can't lie, u got me with the 2016, how can a first round injury take away the fact that Steph was at the center of arguably the biggest choke in NBA history, lost all NBA respect for u there💀😭

  7. This video is trash. Curry dont own the Rockets. Curry owned Harden and Mike Dantoni and Morey. Dont get it twisted, if you actually watched the Rockets, they were flawed asf. Harden was a ball stopper and Mike Dantoni was an enabler and Morey constructed a team of yes men to appease Harden so he wouldnt play defense and allowed him to play 1 on 5. Do your research before making some lame video. The Rockets those years were barely a team. It was HARDEN HARDEN HARDEN…wtf are u talking about? Real fans that actually watch know!

  8. curry looks like a homeless man getting ready to kill me in the thumbnail 😭😭

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