@San Antonio Spurs

Game Theory Pod discussing several Spurs

Was nice to hear a national pod cover so many Spurs during the dead zone of the year. Quick rundown of who + what they covered:

– Zach Collins as an ideal center next to Wemby. The host, Sam Vecenie, was all in on extending him. His guest, Andrew Schlect, was a bit skeptical but seemed to be because of health and not talent. Didn’t get into numbers.

I’m not sure exactly how much we’re allowed to offer w the extension rules, but I’d try to get Collins to sign a 3 for $45 mil extension if I were the front office

– Dev getting $25 to $30 mil a year on an extension. They eventually qualified those numbers because of his knee and only playing half the season, and said maybe the Spurs could get him for a little cheaper because of that. But they were both really high on his skillset and thought the Spurs should do what needs to be done to lock him up. Schlect added that whatever deal they got him on, the whole league would be interested in trading for him because of his age and skill.

I’ve gone back and forth on what I think is a good deal for Dev. Hard to say cause we don’t know the extent of his knee issues. Assuming his health is fine, I think I’d go as far as 5 for $150, but Spurs seem to have a habit of getting ppl to sign for less

– Dom Barlow as the 2nd best remaining restricted free agent (after PJ Washington). Both loved him in summer league, and Vecenie said if he was another team he’d offer Barlow a contract at $5 mil per year and make the Spurs match

Keeping Barlow at $5 per year is a no brainer. Hopefully it doesn’t come to that though cause if we need to sign him to a guaranteed contract that forces our hand w one of the vets we traded for this summer. Already out of roster spots as it is.

by Imaginary-Cycle-1977

1 Comment

  1. moonshadow50

    I haven’t listened to this episode yet – I’ll have to give it listen after work.

    I’m a little surprised that they think Collins is the ideal guy next to Wemby. He is “fine”, but IMO far from ideal for that starting spot, really on both sides of the floor. In terms of numbers, when it was being discussed re: DJ, I remember hearing that you could only go above the 120% extension to get to league average salary, which was something in that 15M range. Personally I think that is a little too much for Collins, and I would’nt want to go much above the MLE. He is a similar position to Tre, where he is fine as a starter for now, but if he is still starting for us in 2-4 years time then either he has made some miraculous improvements, or something has gone really wrong.

    I’d be fine with those numbers for Devin, but my guess is both parties are happy pushing this out to next summer (assuming he is not willing to do a cheaper extension now) Devin gets a year to show continued development and what level he is at when healthy, and the Spurs get another year to watch him, and to start to see how this group fits, and if needed (probably not though) can time his extension next season around other possible cap moves.

    That Barlow number keeps going up. I swear last week he was saying something like 3M/yr. But yeah, either number is fine (obviously the lower the better for the Spurs). I would expect the Spurs have already put a full-contract offer on the table, but that Barlow’s camp is just holding out to see if anyone else offers more. I’m 95% sure we either get him to sign, or match any RFA offers – unless someone comes in with a ridiculous offer closer to the MLE.

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