@New Orleans Pelicans

Trade for Embiid?

I am mostly a neutral fan( although I have never commented on this sub, Zion is my favorite player and Philly is my favorite team).

by SensitiveFee3936


  1. TheRealSassyTassy

    I think if the Pels could do this, they would.

    It’s the sixers who say no.

    Pels would probably try to get a 3rd team involved to move JV and either keep some of their picks, or try to get another team to send picks to Philly and keep one of the young guards.

  2. kyledanna

    the sizers would laugh us off the phone, i think

  3. lordlanyard7

    I know everyone is saying the sixers would be dumb, and sure.

    But its not a slam dunk for us.

    We are a small market team, those 6 first round picks are huge for us. We need good rookie contracts to fill out or roster, because **we will never be the team** that gets a decent vet min. player.

    BI,Herb, Trey, Zion, Joel should win a title so we do it (and yes we are running that line up, BI is nice at PG)

    But I can see Zion and Joel blowing up in our face if Joel isn’t happy and Zion can’t get healthy. I would do swaps rather then outright trades on a couple of those picks.

  4. Senor_Pug

    I personally wouldn’t because I don’t like Embiid and I think he will hurt the culture we are trying to build here. Hes quick to deflect blame for his playoff losses and throws his teammates under the bus(even if they are to blame).

  5. patricksupermano

    We would have to give up Tre along jv cj and maybe Dyson or hawk plus 4-5 picks
    Just not a move to be made imo

  6. breesyroux

    If 76ers go this route this is best they’d do. Fair deal for Pels since top 3 players just don’t become available.

    I’d push for JV instead of CJ. That wouldn’t be a deal breaker for them.

  7. gotintocollegeyolo

    Embiid and Zion would combine to play 82 games with 0 games on the floor together

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