Dr. Andrew Huberman on PED usage in basketball: “I know someone who’s a professional basketball player, and I asked him about steroids. He said, ‘well if you get injured, you can take up to 200mg’s a week.’ But that’s actually a pretty big dose.”
by sewsgup
Big dose for a normal sized adult? Gotta remember these guys are huge
Some of the 18 and 19 year olds going to the g league that look like grown men already def raises some eyebrows
Rogan can’t grasp what this guy is saying. He flatout says it’s 200mg a week, & that 200mg a week is what many people are prescribed for TRT. But Rogan is somehow thinking it’s 5x what a weekly dose is. Basically they’re allowed the average upper limit of someone prescribed TRT. With NBA players being massive humans it kinda makes sense they’re given an upper end dose.
I’m totally for PEDs in Basketball if it means treating injuries or for older dudes like Lebron, Harden, Westbrook, etc. This is probably the best way to combat load management. Who doesn’t want to see Kawhi, Zion, etc compete every night. Who wouldn’t want to see the best product on the floor every game.
Fully support PED usage in the NBA. Absolutely grueling schedule
HGH use is rampant among teenagers looking to get taller to make it in the NBA. Skill doesn’t amount to much if you cap off at 5’10
I’m not surprised. A lot of kids nowadays are on it cuz of their parents. Sports is big business and puts you I be a position to create generational wealth in your 20’s. Some of these high school football players are massive.
I would pay more attention to this claim if it wasn’t on Joe Rogan.
You’re telling me these guys that are 6’7 230 lbs running around jumping through the roof with nagging injuries all season long who recover fast as hell from almost all injuries are getting extra testosterone?!?!?! 🫢
If you want to be in the NBA, how early is too early to start taking HGH?
No Rogan universe in nba please. thank you.
Acting shocked like he doesn’t know pretty sure that’s how he got big.
The same people who are saying that the players should be able to use PEDs are the same ones who are shocked and appalled by the side of effects of head injuries in the NFL
Who is this person?
Can someone tell me what PEDs are? I have absolutely no idea.
theyre all on peds theyre just new legal and better than old steroids
this is always such a sensitive topic on this sub because of LeBron
Huberman is a quack and rogan is the quack jester
This is why Bronny collapsed.
LeBron on those trips to Germany, as Rappaport says lol
Explains Dennis Schröder’s shoulders
As a long time cycling fan, the illusion that athletes are clean was shattered a long time ago
I mean it’s the same thing in the NFL and across every sport (most likely). Why do you think people pop when they’re recovering from injuries? DHop, Edelman, etc. Makes recovery so much faster.
The thing I’d be more curious about is how widespread the use of GH and EPO is in the NBA.
Just wanted to chime in and say this is a very common dosage used at any online telehealth/private owned testosterone clinics. He’s referring to testosterone. If they follow the guidelines of olympic testing then yes it’s probably allowed at this dosage. There are some risks, but in my own personal experience mine was I had to donate blood more frequently due to my RBC being high. Not a huge deal. This is beyond cheap by the way as I was paying about $75/month and about $15 for the vial/syringes. HGH use is very hard to detect I mean it’s VERY hard. IGF-1 will show as an increase on blood work to show that HGH is working properly. Without baseline values you can’t know for sure. Risks of low dose therapeutic use of HGH isn’t anywhere near crazy. I received better sleep and slight hunger increase. Also remember that these are given only while under blood work monitoring. The advantage given to an athlete for being on these is that their bodies levels are immune to the hormonal stress from day to day affecting testosterone levels/HGH/IGF due to wear and tear as it’s exogenous so it is always replenished and unaffected by day to day grind. This isn’t the same level of PED abuse we saw in the baseball steroid era mind you. These are dosages of therapeutic values. 200mg of testosterone doesn’t automatically put every person at the same value as well. Somebody with great genetics could get levels of 1100-1400 off 200mg a week, while somebody who converts a lot to estrogen could sit at 800-900.
TLDR: not that crazy
Hot damn kawaii Leonard, no wonder he is so jacked!
Sorry but who is this guy and why should we believe he knows nba players
Where can I get hgh? Hypothetically
The changes in Dwayne Wade’s [jawline](https://www.bing.com/images/search?view=detailV2&ccid=Hv3LTZ23&id=288EA167CF615C35C00A2233688E0CB802B2C1C1&thid=OIP.Hv3LTZ23uQcldOIRIkm6qgAAAA&mediaurl=https%3a%2f%2fpbs.twimg.com%2fprofile_images%2f378800000022770388%2fe9940548d95fb79acc4b6f26d3faa9b3_400x400.jpeg&cdnurl=https%3a%2f%2fth.bing.com%2fth%2fid%2fR.1efdcb4d9db7b9072574e2112249baaa%3frik%3dwcGyArgMjmgzIg%26pid%3dImgRaw%26r%3d0&exph=400&expw=400&q=dwayne+wade+jawline&simid=607995996155638187&FORM=IRPRST&ck=339208A14144BF6DEB976C47B234B81A&selectedIndex=1&ajaxhist=0&ajaxserp=0) over the years is obvious he was juicing.
In fact, years ago it was always said that Miami had the best trainers. Seems more likely that they were on the cutting edge of PED usage.
If we could actually get an accurate stat on the percentage of professional athletes that use PEDs, I think most people would be shocked.
Nobody gives a shit. I want to see sweet sweet dunks, dingers out of the park, and dudes jumping to the moon in the end zone. Nobody. Cares. Let. Them. Juice
Cue someone saying the NBA doesn’t have a PED problem because no one has been caught. LOL.
You got to be silly to not know they use PEDs (like HGH) in sports especially basketball where they barely test as it is.
I got family members who used to play in AAU when it first started taking off in the 90s and got invited to Nike Camps and tournaments and all, and they always would tell me they was getting pushed to use things it was completely up to them if they did. Just like family’s would help players get into the league and fund the players in turn when the players make it they pay those family’s back (Look up KG and Paul Pierce)
I am a firm believer that Lebron has used PEDS before, he has a million dollars in his body just to keep it up to snuff but throughout his career he definitely used some PEDS.
Im sure what he is saying here isn’t generally inaccurate but i’d be weary of taking anything from Huberman as truth just based on how he interprets medical studies. You can throw Rogan into that bin as well but Huberman is more nefarious because he hides behind a PhD and the “neuroscientist” title.
Giannis gained 50+ pounds of muscle with no fat naturally lol.
You can tell it’s just an open secret no one wants to acknowledge.
Kawhi looks jacked in the off-seasons he’s been injured
Have you seen Giannis?
I had a guy argue with me that lebron is 100% natural, well I got some volcano insurance to sell you lol. Even a low dose will go far for people who are already athletic and put in 8+ hours of work.
Mgs of what? Test Enanthate? Test Propionate? Deca? Dbol? Hgh?