@National Basketball Association

Exclusive: Lakers owner Jeanie Buss on LeBron James: ‘He will have his Lakers jersey retired’

Exclusive: Lakers owner Jeanie Buss on LeBron James: ‘He will have his Lakers jersey retired’

by csummerss


  1. DaKingindaSouff

    We knew this. Bron literally picked us after 5 years of being ass. Won us a chip & took us to a WCF. Definitely grateful after dealing with Sacre, Wesley Johnson, Kendal Marshall & Luol Deng’s corpse. Thank you Bron 🫡

  2. ExperienceRadiant537

    SMH 🤦🏾our standards have dropped here in LA she should have never been in charge of my team

  3. alec613

    Ofc his would get retired.

    He made the Lakers relevant again after a decade of sucking. Thats one he’ll of an accomplishment

  4. winch234

    People saying “he shouldn’t be retired as a laker “

    LEBRON won them a chip, without him they would be ass since 2013

    He took them deep in the playoffs a few times.

    And he broke Kareem’s record on their home floor

    Also it’s LEBRON James the best or 2nd best player of all time, that’s played there for 5 going on for 6 years

    I think it’s okay to retire it as a laker

  5. iTzGoDxDuke

    Then he asked her about ADs jersey and she said ‘who? I’m late for a meeting’ and sprinted out of the room.

  6. every finals mvp should have jersey retired

  7. Qwer925

    Not trying to hate but I feel like this is just premature. Lebron put in work ofc but to retire his jersey after 5 good years and 1 championship just seems like a reach

  8. arbysmozzstick

    if someone did what lebron has for the lakers in many other cities they would build a statue let’s be real

  9. junkit33

    Guys this isn’t remotely controversial. There’s a bunch of players in NBA history who have had their jerseys retired by multiple teams. And more who would if they wanted it (like KG, who openly hates Minnesota).

    Generally speaking, a few years and a ring will get you retired. KG on the Celtics, Shaq on the Heat, Wilt on the Lakers, Drexler on the Rockets…

  10. Slippinjimmyforever

    Bold take that one of the best ever who won your franchise a title will get (one of) his number(s) retired.

    We’ve entered cold take season.

  11. KaiserKaiba

    Some of the comments here are weird lol. Some dudes really saying the standards have been lowered for a Bron jersey retirement when Wilt got his retired decades ago with basically the same years played and accolades. The standard never changed lmao

  12. LividSports

    😳Realllly?…very undeserved.

    The Bron era Lakers has been weak af.

  13. He still doesn’t feel like a real Laker. Just feels like a guy who happens to be wearing that jersey.

  14. dumbhousequestions

    Jeanie Buss has consistently run this team like a museum that technically continues to play NBA basketball, so this checks out.

  15. incredibleamadeuscho

    Laker fans claiming that he needs to win two championships need stop being so spoiled. Your inflated expectations as a fan don’t matter.

  16. HolyRomanPrince

    Personally I don’t think they should but he’s too great a player and did accomplish enough here that i understand it.

  17. TrytjediP

    P fucking U. Lakers are little attention whores.
    Nobody gonna remember the mickey mouse ring, and everyone will remember Bron as a Cav. LA is such trash my god, shameless.

  18. Wazflame

    Bron’s gonna join Wilt as the only players to have their jerseys retired by 3 teams

  19. EveryParable

    I will never acknowledge the bubble ring as legit

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