@Boston Celtics

The Boston Celtics Are Going to Regret This

Discussing the Boston Celtics offering Jaylen Brown a Supermax contract extension and why they will regret this deal down the line under the new CBA

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  1. You can guarantee he won't finish that contract in Boston. He will be traded before it's up

  2. As if we need even more proof that athletes are spoiled and overpaid and people act surprised when said overpayment doesn't work out. At this point it's just getting out of hand with these outrageous contracts. This contract is a huge ass overpayment. Mind you, this doesn't mean he is bad, but he is being paid far, far more than he's worth.

  3. Players like Giannis, Luka, and Steph gotta be worth the Saudi Arabia Contract

  4. Owners are going to have to start handing together to stop overpaying these players. It’s make it hard to hold a team. You have to win with two max players and a bunch of minimums or rookie contacts. Puts more pressure on front offices and GMs.

  5. I think it's a sound business move for the organization. They probably looked at each other and thought even if they didn't think he was worth the dollar amount…what else could they do? A player that young and that good isn't on the market plus you couldn't sign him if he was…and no one you could trade for is…again..that young and just pay him and ride this thing until the wheels fall off..better than being a basement dwelling team.

  6. Tatum is definitely gone no way they’re keeping both of them and filling out the rest of the roster. They really picked brown over Tatum😂

  7. I'd rather have Jaylen than maybe anyone you can name who isn't on the C's already, but I hope a condition of his contract was repudiating Kyrie and all his dumb works. I'm fine with paying Jaylen this much if he makes every effort we'd hope for from a max player. But I don't want to hear any more about vaccines causing transmission failure or the Earth being flat or whatever Kyrie latches onto next, like the heads at Mt Rushmore having complete bodies hidden in the mountain and just waiting to rise up and crush humanity.

    Believing that kind of guff is cringeworthy, and SAYING that stuff is not good for the team. Every player knows there's stuff you say or don't say as part of the job. When a reporter asks why the team won, you don't say, "It's just because of me." And you don't promote a plague or whatever else. Keep it sensible and public-minded in public.

  8. What options did Boston have? I believe JT knows he needs JB to win a chip. If Boston does not sign JB, the Celtics are going to be waiting a long time to sign a marquee free agent. Prime forget the city of Boston and the Celtics have that reputation many think it is in the past. Factor in how some fans and players believe the Celtics did IT “dirty.”

  9. Bottom line, this was a no-win situation. They hugely overpaid him, but trading him was an iffy option as well. We'll see how this works out.

  10. No way the Celtics are wining anything with Tatum and Brown alone making 120 million a year for the next 5 years

  11. There's no demanding a supermax u either eligible for one or not and Tatum had already done that by getting the All NBA nod as well as Jaylen…the market is what it is…they will not regret this at all.

  12. If the Celtics would've gave him less or traded him the video would've been about the Celtics dropping the ball on this one lol

  13. Wow! $60 million a year for a top 40 player. Fred VanVleet … $42 million … Dillon the Villain $20 million …. crazy times.
    Aaron Gordon getting $22 million a year on the Nuggets is a steal.

  14. At this point, who cares? If teams are willing to pay them and mortgage their futures, you know, it's their money, and it's been a long time since winning a title has been the primary focus of an NBA owner.

    What's the marginal benefit of winning a title? Maybe bragging rights among the other billionaires that own teams. Other than that, the TV money is guaranteed. Your fans (i.e., the walking piles of money that go to your games) will always buy the merch, and if you're anywhere near competitive, those same fans will fill up your building.

    If you're not thinking like an owner (or an economist), you're not paying attention to the true NBA. When NBA Finals games were shown on tape delay, a team might be the only business for an owner, and money was tight and so were contracts. But after Bird, Magic, Jordan, and 45 years of great players, teams are so valuable, it takes a billionaire to own one. A billionaire who made his billions elsewhere. Even 20 years ago, teams could be tax write-offs, a shiny toy for an owner's vanity. Now, it's almost impossible to lose money owning an NBA team. The racist Donald Sterling owned the Clippers for 25 years of futility and when he had to sell, it was for more than a billion. In Minneapolis, Glen Taylor has presided over thirty years of failure and he just paid Anthony Edwards $250M.

    They're maintaining their teams. They're keeping them just good enough to be in the mix. They're okay with winning a title, but any owner prefers the money. And if 60 million a year for a guy who will get you 25/6/3 every night will keep them making money, they'll pay it. Tatum and Brown and castoffs will get 48-52 wins a year. That's enough for the Celtics. Don't believe them when they say they're committing to "bringing a title to the best fans in the world." They're manipulating with phrases like that.

    Enjoy the games. Let these guys make their money. Who cares?

  15. It's wild to think that a #2 option is getting paid more than the reigning MVPs from the past 5 or so years. WILD.
    I'm happy for Brown, I think he could the guy on his own team but damn, he's not $60+ mil per season good. But what can you do, the system is messed up and the system set the price for him. I think he'll ask out within the next 2 seasons.

  16. LOL. You sound regretful. I think you have good reason. But, hey, maybe you hang another conference banner – You only need this guy to not do what he did before.

  17. it's hard to say the Celtics will regret this or not, because sometimes, it mays seem like a bad move at the moment but turn out to be a game changing. I don't say re-signing Brown is a game changing for the Celtics, but who's know after this contract, the Celtics win the Finals, we can never predict any thing in professional landscape, the Miami Heats is a great example, no one would believe they will eliminate both the Bucks and the Celtics and go straight to the Final. We just have to wait to see "Is it a bad move or not?"

  18. Super stupid move by the Celts. One of the most boring teams in the NBA got more boring (and less good) with the trade of Smart and this JB contract.

  19. I love Brown, but he better become the best player on the team for the coming seasons while also winning at least two championships in order for that contract to be justified.

  20. You said something like “just because the player earns the max or supermax doesn’t mean you have to give it to him”. In a perfect world yes but in reality you have to pay the player. How do you think the player who worked his ass off to get the supermax will respond when you offer him less? That’s a automatic ruined relationship. Not only that why would a player want to come there knowing they can earn a max or supermax but the team won’t give it to them.

  21. Man, get over yourselves. You guys clearly weren't old enough to remember Alex Rodriguez signing a $250 million dollar contract for the Yankees in 2000. That contract would be worth $145 million more than Brown's in today's dollars.

  22. People complain about Brown's playoff issues while Donovan Mitchell is rated #1 SG. Mitchell has lost his last two playoff series in the first round. This year he shot 43/29/72 and averaged 4 turnovers. In game 3 & 4 he had 6 turnover each game. Would you sign Mitchell to a supermax?

  23. JB is better than luka better than the Greek freak better than KD better than the joker this commentator sucks has no basketball IQ

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