@Golden State Warriors

If we get this Chris Paul we’re winning the chip

If we get this Chris Paul we’re winning the chip

by abelincoln8609


  1. FeelTheRealBirdie

    Yo he’s 38 and injury prone. Curb your expectations

  2. Successful-Wasabi704

    Amazing handles but whats more impressive is him out braining everyone on the court at the same time. Between him and Steph…achievements unlocked.

  3. picturepath

    Chris Paul plays slower, but he’s still able to open shots and make plays.

  4. emestoo

    I will take no slip sliding and throw it to the other team and be happy.

  5. I’ll wait to see how the defense plays as a whole

  6. Redditforever12

    that was ~4 yrs ago, he aint going to be consistently like that.

  7. royal-smuck

    We’re winning the chip. Delusional or not, I’m sticking with it.

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