@National Basketball Association

Jonathan Isaac launches anti-woke, pro-Christian alternative to Nike: ‘Our values are valid’

Jonathan Isaac launches anti-woke, pro-Christian alternative to Nike: ‘Our values are valid’

by rufusjonz


  1. UnearthlyDinosaur

    DeSantis just made him the new CEO of Disney

  2. maverickhistorian

    He launches everything but jump shots

  3. trekfan1013

    I can’t wait to see all the biblically accurate named shoes. Those old testament ones will be very interesting.

  4. Odd-Hovercraft-1286

    Coming to a Marshalls near you

  5. Foodworkssupervisor

    What not playing basketball does to a mf

  6. Pretend-Vehicle6185

    And his new signature shoe, the One of the Good 1ā€™s

  7. idkwhatevs1234

    He’s a full time right wing grifter, the only value of his status as “”””playingā€ā€ā€ā€ in the NBA is that it gives him a unique gimmick to stand out from the other right wing grifters

  8. KneelBeforeCube

    We know who gave DeSantis those 50K from the Magic.

  9. 2017Champs

    Serious question, is he still on the Magicā€™s roster or has he been cut/waived yet? Heā€™s always injured and never plays so I canā€™t tell wether he is still an active player or not.

  10. BackpackWalker

    He’s gonna be a Republican politician once he officially retires, isn’t he?

  11. OptionalBagel

    “alternative to Nike” lmfao. Right.

  12. GhostOfJiriWelsch

    Right-wing Christians kill me.

    Itā€™s not enough that they are the dominant hegemonic force in US politics, they want explicit Christian themes even in their fucking sports apparel. Anything outside of bible study in public schools is some attack on Christian virtue.

    They keep making these weird appeals to some by gone Christian values of old like this country doesnā€™t have secularism written into its founding doctrine.

    They push back against ā€œwokenessā€ because itā€™s easier to fight some vague cultural boogeyman than come to terms with reality: the rest of the country and the world are leaving the bigoted leftovers of religion behind. No, Iā€™m not going to ā€œrespect your opinionsā€ when your opinions call for literal violence against those you disagree with.

    Canā€™t wait to see Isaac on Jesse Waters in a year or two. All that talent wasted for whatever the fuck *this* is.

  13. Mister_Mangina

    Add another right wing grifter to the pile.

  14. BoldAsAnAxis

    Nike is shaking rn. How will LeBron, Ronaldo, Giannis, Tiger Woods, etc. ever be able to compete against a brand with global superstar Jonathan Isaac as the face of their company?!?!?!

  15. KilgoreMikeTrout

    Great financial move, those idiots will pour their money into anything “anti-woke”

  16. Awwh_Dood

    If you got these on at the gym I’m fouling on defense

  17. coffee_eyes

    $5 says when his company declares bankruptcy he’ll blame the woke mob for canceling him.

  18. OhhhTAINTedCruuuuz

    Man saw Enes Freedomā€™s corner and said ā€œyeah, I want that. I want that for me.ā€

  19. Sirliftalot35

    Dude averaged under 10 combined points, rebounded, and assists last season. Iā€™m sure people will be lining up to buy his signature shoes.

    But at least he seems to have the same political leanings as his team, which just donated to Ron ā€œslavery benefited the slavesā€ DeSantis.

  20. motherseffinjones

    Heā€™s setting up his post nba Fox News career

  21. JeremiahPhantom

    News headline saying ā€œNBA Starā€ šŸ˜­

  22. murkurium

    This brand is going to do well at Cabelas and Bass pro shop.

  23. Man, weā€™re just taking Ls left and right today.

    Wellā€¦ mostly right.

  24. kokaine21

    How about you try to get back on the court you bum

  25. SnooPies5622

    Anti-woke is in opposition to Christian values

  26. schuster9999

    So tired of hearing about this idiot

  27. Thunderous-Venturer

    Heā€™s not good enough to be doing this shit. Gonna be a guy no one will want to sign when he becomes available.

  28. fullmetalsprockets

    No, dipshit. Hating someone based on who they like to fuck is not a valid value.

  29. nerdyintentions

    Got to find a new grift since his NBA career isn’t going according to plan.

  30. skywalkerRCP

    The Magic doing all kinds of bullshit today, huh?

  31. SoCalMemePolice

    The venn diagram of anti-woke, ultra Christian conservatives and basketball sneaker fans are two completely separate circles

  32. Agent_Cow314

    I’d like to see the church of Satan launch their NBA line.

    It’d be awesome;

    Devil – makes your game so smooth they’ll steal your soles.

    Lucifer – your epic dunks will make the angels fall at your feat (feet).

    You’ve also got 7 themes to launch on all the sins.

  33. BelligerentCow

    “Isaac plans to offer a sneaker that heā€™ll be wearing throughout the next NBA season. ”

    So kicks for sitting out injured?

  34. ShapeOfAUnicorn

    Didn’t Jesus tear apart market stalls in a temple because he didn’t like that business men were desecrating his sacred holy religion with shallow money making capitalism?

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