@Denver Nuggets

Can’t believe it was almost two months ago already but grateful beyond words for an unforgettable experience at the championship parade. From the bottom of my heart, I really enjoyed every bit of it. Btw did anyone here get sprayed with champagne by Malone?😂 I’m jealous!

Can’t believe it was almost two months ago already but grateful beyond words for an unforgettable experience at the championship parade. From the bottom of my heart, I really enjoyed every bit of it. Btw did anyone here get sprayed with champagne by Malone?😂 I’m jealous!

by xboumtje


  1. SpliffsnKicks

    Are you taking a picture of your photo shopped self taking a selfie?

  2. BigMazaska

    I can’t wait to see where this goes

  3. FanOk6089

    That shot looks amazingly photoshopped 😂

  4. MyAnswerIsMaybe

    Cast shadows are off.

    You can see the shadow off the first truck is coming towards the camera. But for you it looks like it’s in the opposite direction, pointed slightly to the left.

  5. mahaalo0

    If you’re gonna photoshop yourself into the pic, why not just put yourself on the fire truck giving Moach a smooch?

  6. Bucket360

    He’s got 3 other amazingly bad Photoshop posts🤣

  7. NikolaJokicsBidet

    All the people saying things about Photoshop are just jealous of you being there! They just wish they were as cool as you. But don’t worry, you are awesome for being at the parade and everyone who didn’t go is just jealous of your awesomeness, having gone to the parade. All this photoshop talk is BS, you definitely DID NOT photoshop this. I mean, why would you? No reason for it and you don’t need to prove your coolness to a bunch of people on the internet…

  8. TrytjediP

    See how everyone has a shadow on their back suggesting the light source is in front of them, but you seem to be experiencing a second sun coming from the opposite direction.

  9. Lvl81Memes

    Okay pal we need to talk. If this is a serious post (and the other ones of you “meeting” stars you’ve posted before) you need to just stop. This Photoshop job sucks ass and is not even remotely close to looking passable. Pics are different quality, lighting is completely different, and you are taking a selfie in the selfie. Do you have two phones? Are you double selfieing? Doesn’t make any sense.
    If this is a joke, also just stop. It’s not funny, it’s just plain cringe. If you really wanna Photoshop pics to make jokes at least make it good and make it outrageous for it to be funny. This whole putting you or what looks like a Shutterfly model into these pics thing just isn’t funny.

  10. HazmatSamurai

    Click this man’s profile for the worst collection of attempted photoshops I’ve ever seen

  11. Downtown-Desk-3275

    Even better than the post history is his comment history. This account is actually hilarious

  12. alvvavves

    I was there and it’s true! I saw this guy throw a beer at Jokers head!

  13. Level_Watercress1153

    AG running through out the city the night they won is by far my favorite memory of the Championship festivities

  14. Crambulance

    Someone needs to photoshop this onto the stairwell TV screen

  15. Nixbling

    If this doesn’t start a trend on this sub I’m gonna be so upset this shit is fucking hilarious

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