@Phoenix Suns

How the NBA ROBBED the Phoenix Suns of a Championship

A breakdown of the famous altercation between Robert Horry and Steve Nash, and how it ultimately effected the Phoenix Suns organization.


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The game of Basketball has been my passion since I was 5 years old. I grew up as a kid watching my dad’s recorded VHS tapes of playoff games through the 70s and 80s, and collected all the Basketball cards. Something about the game and what it represents just hooked me from a very young age.
My love for the game only continues to grow as time goes on. I love studying and analyzing the game, with an unbiased perspective. Feel free to subscribe, follow me on social media, and celebrate this amazing game and it’s rich history with me!
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Intro Music: Turn On – RW Smith​​​​​​​​​​


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  1. Let’s at least acknowledge the very real fact that the Spurs might have beat the Suns whether this happened or not, they were no slouches 🎯🤞🏿💯

  2. As a spurs fan i felt bad for phoenix back then and also when they couldn't take the title recently

  3. I'm sure this still stings for Phoenix fans, but nothing holds a candle to the travesty that was 2002 WCF game 6's officiating. At least Horry had a flagrant called on him. Kobe straight up tried to decapitate Bibby and the ref was looking right at it. The call? Pick yourself up, son.

  4. Sarver definitely costed the Suns a couple of titles. Had he paid Joe what he was worth and kept Q and they ran that team back in 2006 they at least made the finals and now this also was because the supervisor or refs had a dislike towards sarver smh.

  5. What a dumb decision by the league. It just made the series a worse product from an entertainment standpoint. I understand if it were a regular season game, but come on. No one would've cared if they let it slide.

  6. The rule was very clear and so was the reasoning behind the rule. You can´t complain about the league being inconsequential and also complain when they aren´t. I say it´s on Stoudemire and Diaw. What Horry did was dirty, though, and also dangerous. So at the very least, I would have him suspended as well.

  7. I didn't become a fan until a few years ago so I didn't even know about this. I always appreciate these history lessons with a great point of view.

  8. I hate how ppl still diss on Nash and ignore this. They hate on dantoni and say this style doesn't work but it was going to AND in the toughest conference ever!

    Dantoni and Nash are the father's of modern NBA not Curry and GS!

  9. It wasn’t a “cheap shot”, it was a hard hip check. Was it excessive?…yes! Was it unnecessary and deserving of a flagrant foul?…absolutely. Because Steve Nash is all hair and elbows he went flying. You can give someone a hard foul without it being a “cheap shot” and that foul definitely wasn’t one.

  10. Robert horry always been a loser. I'm tired of guys like him getting credit for just being surrounded by great dynasties. Guys like ainge proved his iq in the office and whatnot.

    What has horry done away from these teams

  11. Reminds of the 2016 championship series when the league suspended Draymond Green and allowed the Cavaliers to play unchecked bully-ball to get Lebron another ring.

  12. The circa-Tim Donaghy era "just happened" to push the "Dynasty" narratives of Spurs (this!) and Lakers (*cough* jobbing the Jailblazers and Kings).

    Honestly, it would have been better from a merit and broader viewing to have Portland and Sacramento deservingly win their Titles as well as Phoenix. Instead, the league was so hopped up on inflating the legacies of Shaq/Kobe/Phil Jackson and Duncan/Parker/Ginobili/Horry/Popovich.

  13. Another part of the 05 series that’s underrated is Joe Johnson being injured with a broken face

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