@Washington Wizards

Wizards Michael Jordan WAS BETTER Than You Think

Finally a former player tells the truth about MJ on the Wizards. Hope you enjoy.


  1. If Mike played in today's League, he'd probably get 15 to 20 a game, with about 5 rebounds. That's only because he's 60 years old.

  2. In January he was at 25.6ppg and he was just warming up then he got injured and decided to play through it dropping his average. I bet he would have finished the season closer to 27. He might have even won MVP. Just imagine that.

  3. This guy literally wrote how lebrons years in LA were less impressive but Jordan failed to miss the playoffs both years and Lebron led his team to the conference finals last year. You trying arguing Lebron isn’t great on the lakers but you’re trying to argue Jordan is underrated on the wizards. You even claimed Jordan on the wizards is better than Lebron on the Lakers. The bias of your channel is insane.


  5. It’s a conundrum bcos Jordan fans would like to say that this MJ was still great but can’t fully commit cos he didn’t win anything

  6. If you looked at MJ’s rookie season, and then asked yourself how he would do post 35 yr’s old, you’d never have thought he would be anything once his athleticism was gone. But MJ was completely adaptive. He always found a way to dominate.

  7. I'd take a healthy pre-injury Wizards MJ over prime LeBum at any given time of year.
    Am I crazy? Nope.
    LeBum at his prime got shot down by JJ Barrea, who is not even a tenth the player that old man MJ was 😂

  8. Thingbis peolle compare Wizards Jordan to Bulls 2x 3peat Jordan, even though no other pkayer compares to that.

  9. Wizards MJ wasn't bad, we're just used to Bulls MJ. He was still top 20 at the time and that's unreal considering his age.

  10. He has to be better than we think now though right? The better Lebron is in his late 30's early 40's the more we will have to embellish how good Mike was at that age. He was great by the way. The best 38/39/40 year old to ever play the game at the time but Lebron is set to leave him in the dust and become far and way the best player to play at that age. Seriously though why does Jordan just have to hang around Lebron's career like a bad smell? The reason his Wizards years are all over the news now is because Lebron is at that age and killing it. Aint no one making videos like this five years ago. Mike retired from the Wizards in 03 so there has been plenty of time to say "hey it was better than you think." But it's clear why it's happening now 😂😂😂

  11. Had he not been injured, it would have been something special. He was avg 25ppg, but he was getting better as the seasons went on. In the last 20 of those 47 games before injury, he avg 27ppg. In the last 10, 30ppg

  12. I remember them years! I was embarrassed for him he looks slow and old.. ya you going to avg 20 a game shooting 30 shoots a game.

  13. All stats are from basketball reference.
    Mike averaged 21.5 ppg in 01-03. The Wizards averaged 91ppg in 01-03. Mike was scoring 24% of his teams points.
    Lebron averaged 29.5 ppg in 2021-23 The Lakers averaged 115ppg in 21-23. Lebron was scoring 26% of his teams points.
    In 01-02 and 02-03 seasons the average 3s being shot was 14.7 per gamI
    In 2021-22 and 2022-23 seasons the average 3s being shot was 34.7 per game.
    2001 through 2003 the average possessions per game in the NBA was 91.
    2021 through 2023 the average possessions per game in the NBA was 99.
    Wizards pace in 01-03 was 88.2
    Lakers pace in 21-23 was 100.7

    This is the context that is needed when LeCult fans want to prop Lebron up and tear Mike down. They both were scoring about the same % of their teams points but today's game has more possessions, a faster pace, and 20 more threes being shot. I know Lebron was not mentioned in this video but the comparison always comes up because LeCult fans love to bash Jordan on the Wizards and prop up Lebron's play right now with the Lakers. They believe Lebron at age 38 is doing something that's never been seen before. It's simply not true. Also, in 21-23 Lebron played in 111 regular season games. In 01-03 Mike played in 142 regular season games.

    If you put age 38 Lebron back in the early 2000s he'd score less. If you put age 38 Mike in today's game he'd score more. The video pointed out Jordan's knee injury and he did have surgery after the 01-02 season. During the 22-23 season we were told over and over that Lebron had a leg injury. Yet he never had surgery to fix this 'severe injury' that the media and LeCult fans kept telling us about. Yes Lebron has a higher FG% but he's shooting the majority of his shots 3 ft in or closer vs Jordan whose majority shots came from mid range.

  14. I just hate that Jordan lost almost 2 years playing baseball because he most likely would have won 8 championships in a row and if fat ass Krause didn't break the team up after 1998 he could have won another one or even more. He was still clearly the best player in the NBA at age 35 when he won his 6th championship beating Utah so it shouldn't surprise anybody the numbers he put up with the Wizards and had his knee been 100% it would have been better.

  15. Lebron at the same age couldn't do nothing with Lakers, imagine putting him in some of the worse teams in today's league

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