@Brooklyn Nets

I usually don’t get excited over summer runs but Clax tho…

I usually don’t get excited over summer runs but Clax tho…

by Downashland


  1. LeeNathanPaige

    I’ll believe it when I see it in a Nets jersey

  2. Historical-Mud-1218

    If a potential Ben improvement is option 1 for a team rise, Clax is most likely 1A. He has improved every year and this one is for a new contract.

    Throw in improvements from Mikal or even CamT and we could be surprised.

  3. foreverballin

    Looking like Giannis with that downhill speed and powr

  4. Brooklyn917

    Im more impressed by Spencer throwing 2 successful lobs, lol

    I wonder why Clax wasnt apart of the USABMNT Select Team. He needs to get some runs against his competitors.

  5. TheyCallMeChevy

    I think it’s a real possibility that Clax could be the beat player on the team next season.

    Like, I’m not saying leading scorer or anything.

    But if hes getting high teens in point and is DPOY lever on defense, I could see him being a Knock off KG.

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