@Miami Heat

The Damian Lillard Trade Is GOING To Happen…

Damian Lillard is going to get traded to the Miami Heat, it is just a matter of time.

#lillard #damianlillard #nba


  1. Coming from a European Football (soccer) background, the idea of players being sent somewhere they don't want to go just because they have a contract with a team is very odd. It's also strange to see (majority) black players being content with being moved around like the property of teams considering the racial history of the USA. The league might put down a rule that says you can't say you only want to play for X – but enforcing that would be nearly impossible.

  2. let me sum up the video for you, he just says the same things over and over: he will be traded to the wizards for jordan poole

  3. I see so many fans trying to claim that Dame is being punished for requesting a trade, no he isn't. Dame didn't request a trade, he requested a trade to one team and went out of his way to tell the other teams to f**k off. Nothing wrong with having a specific destination, but when Dame signed his 2 year extension last year, he lost any leverage he had to go to one team. Reason why Anthony Davis got to go to the Lakers was cause he had his free agency as leverage.

  4. They should make a rule where a suppermax player only eligible for trade after finished 50% to 66% of the contract for the team that gave them the suppermax.

  5. Why is what Dame is doing so controversial, players who were on 1 year contract used to threaten that they won’t resign if they don’t like the team they would be traded to and force current team into trading them where they want cos the receiving team don’t want someone who wont resign. So this Dame situation is not that far fetched

  6. you know what I don't give a crap anymore. Just stay in Portland this whole process is annoying.

  7. the league loves to overcorrect and create new problems as a result. the league is actually often mismanaged and they stumble into success by virtue of the appeal of the sport and its personalities. Is a player wanting to go to a particular team even something the league should do anything about? its only superstars that can act this way. mattis thyble can't say he only wants to go to the nets for instance.

  8. Everyone saying Dame to Boston seems tonedeaf. If they didnt seem ignorant before Jaylen resigned and I would like Lillard in Green just fine.

  9. I don't know if Dame would actually end up on Miami.

    I know he wants to be there, but if I am the Blazers, I wouldn't give a damn. If Toronto or Philadelphia or Chicago or the Clippers or the Wizards can make a better offer, I would say to do it.

    Now yes, the flip side is, will these he be happy being on any of those teams? Will he honor his contract or sit out and refuse to play? Will he just take his ball and go home and retire?

    One runs a risk in that regard.

    But, if I am Miami and they really want him, I think they have to get a 3rd team involved.

    Dame and Butler make a hell of a duo and adding Bam, it becomes a hell of a trio.

    But will they have any depth after that or will they be like the Suns, so top heavy that one wonders if they will have any depth at all as well.

    I know Pat Riley is too smart to let himself get fleeced as well. He is the type to stick to his guns if he feels like it is too high of a price to pay. Especially for a team that made the finals last season and they know they have a chance this season as well. Especially with a few free agents who are still out there that can bring depth and scoring and some are better defensive players than Dame.

    Miami doesn't need Dame as much as Dame wants Miami.

    Philadelphia, if it means getting James Harden gone, I think they might be interested. Because I don't think they give a damn where he goes as long as it is out of Philly.

    Trading Harden for Dame, with a pick or two+ plus a young player, I can see them doing, maybe even including Harris in the deal if they can make the finances work.

    I just don't know if Portland is interested in that.

    Because if I am every team in the NBA not named Philadelphia, I don't see a reason to want James Harden.

  10. As hard as it would be to see, the Heat may need to trade Lowry and Butler to seal the deal.
    Lillard had said he wants to play with Bam, but didn't mention Himmy at all. Would the needle move that much if Butler left and Dame came? I don't know. But that might be the bed Lillard's made.

  11. It’s hard to trade a highly paid point guard.

    Either a team is set or if they want an upgrade there isn’t a viable offer they can make.

  12. Another Dame video. Where is the creativity bruh? Can we all agree that the next Dame video ANYONE makes should come in the moments after and actual trade…..why don’t you give us some team season previews instead of this low hanging fruit crap!!

  13. What a mess! I think the NBA needs to consider invalidating any trade to the Heat, particularly if it appears they’re low balling Portland. They need to send a strong message to the entire league that the nonsense Lillard pulled won’t be tolerated.

  14. What this whole situation has told me, as well as the last several trade deadlines, is that Portland doesn't know how to make deals or build teams.
    The fact they failed for a decade to build a team to make Dame happy, the fact they've continued to do these head-scratching inconsequential trades every deadline, the fact they can't seem to put together anything with anyone and are just sitting on their thumbs waiting for the moon to drop in their laps on a trade package, tells me this team has no future under current management.

  15. Had he made the formal trade request before pdx re-signed grant to that hefty contract, he probably would've been traded already

  16. I honestly have no idea how somebody can sit there with a straight face and say things like Damian Lillard hasn't shown them the Loyalty they ain't showing him. That is a load of garbage. I'm not even a Portland Trailblazer fan but that man has even though they constantly screw up their roster and their chances to win and he's bitten the bullet per-say just to give the team a chance for a decade now. Shut the hell up with that.

  17. I’m glad you made this video because your previous videos about this trade were awful. You just had narratives. Never offered a real alternative to the Miami trade, it’s obvious very few teams could fit Dame on their roster and be able to win in the next 2 years. You ignored that and chose to just go along with narratives

  18. Portland is comfortable taking dame into the season, and serious about not even taking the full offer from the heat…

  19. Lazy sports journalism, I would at least see what the folks on the Portland side are saying, like Sean Highkin, and
    Danny Marang

  20. Equivalent and prove me wrong: Imagine you worked for a company 20+ and now you're asking for retirement; no promotions or job change. Your company says all right and before even firing you, they replace you. You've given all to them, even when there were no resource to make you achieve anything personally other than financial security. You still coming to work the next day?

  21. This is the biggest duh video that reasonably knowledgeable guys have been saying for weeks! 😂 Cronin won't be the new guy to stand up to a "players" league. Trade him and lets get to the next thing.

  22. imagine this Lillard trade to heat goes through and ended up with a first round exit. Probably the funniest event in NBA 2023 season.

  23. The Blazers will probably just wait until the trade deadline, the players who just signed new contracts can't be traded until December plus we know the best offer the Heat can make. There's no real incentive for the Blazers to rush this.

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