@Memphis Grizzlies

JJJ Voted Best Player in USA Camp

By his peers according to The Athletic

by blj3321


  1. VariableBooleans

    Pretty funny and validating after all the slander about him vs Brunson so far this off-season

  2. WonderingCashew

    Think this team USA stint is going to be really good for Jaren. He’ll need to be stepping up for the first bit of the season as well.

    He has the chances to be more of an offensive weapon just hope he can do it consistently

  3. JGrizz0011

    Expecting a huge year for Jaren. Especially when Ja is out.

  4. Love that he’s being appreciated, but would also be disappointed if he didn’t get these accolades considering he’s the only All Star on the team

    JJJ v errbody

  5. MonthLower1606

    let’s trade Ja for max value. Him and Brooks may pair well in Beijing one day! (imma certified brooks and ja hater after their shit last year).

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