@Golden State Warriors

Klay giving jordan Poole his flowers

Klay giving jordan Poole his flowers

by Jaded-Lengthiness721


  1. typesett

    Klay perfectly captured my argument for JP3

    he had a bad year last year in terms of his play contributing to actual winning BUT that does not negate what he did in the past

    judging JP3 for his entire resume with us is the proper way to treat a champion

    for all the people throwing out what he did in 2022 because of 2023 — think of your workplace scapegoating you off of a great year you had. how unfair that would be

  2. Particular_Winner925

    Ngl I saw an article that Klay had issues with Poole, but it’s nice to see him give him his flowers.

  3. TessTichol

    Klay and Steph liked JP. Draymond and Kerr couldn’t stand him. We know why he was moved, to please those 2.

  4. primeyield

    Klay a real one … only he and Steph deserve to retire Warriors, whatever the price. JP smart enough to know he was the odd man out and would never be fully appreciated even with Klay/SC support.

  5. sugarwax1

    It’s clear they all had a love hate thing for JP…. and I think we forget they reacted to JP’s actions, his inability to keep his head in the game, and be patient about his role while still performing well. It seems like Poole was real professional in some ways, but a distraction other times. You can even say he derailed a post season run.

  6. I hope a Poole-Warriors reunion can happen once dray is gone.

  7. Robotsaur

    Don’t think anyone on the team ever hated him or anything, other than Draymond. It was just a lot of frustration that built up over the season over some basketball-related things.

  8. Fragrant-Astronaut57

    I miss you Poole we didn’t mean everything we said about you during the playoffs. Pls come back 😢

  9. Shamanboi408

    actual leader. please take notes dray and stop tryna fight people’s dads lol

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