@Dallas Mavericks

McGee buyout vs. stretch/waive

So McGee isn’t in the Mavs plans and given the number if players that can play center, he isn’t even depth. If we do make moves his salary and roster spot could be a problem.

Moving him is difficult with the money he makes. I could totally see both the Warriors (to pair with CP3) and Lakers could be interested in him on the minimum.

Therefore, it is likely he can get another vet min contract for 2 years paying him 2.7M per year.

His current contract is 5.7M, which is 3M less. If he agrees to a buyout at 6M he should earn the same amount of money but have a chance to play. Assuming he actually cares about playing and he can get that 2Y contract it can work.

Now 6M buyout would be split across his two remaining seasons, giving us ~3M in additional cap relief. We do open a roster spot but with ~7M below the tax line which we should stay under to keep the full MLE.

Stretch/waive would free up to afaik ~3.4M in cap space but we would then carry a few M in dead cap space for many years.

Edit: Corrected that buyout money for a multi year deal is spread across the remaining seasons

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by lsmith77


  1. Pandamonium98

    No point stretching and waiving if we don’t have a use for that money that we open up. We’re not urgently in need of another roster spot either, so just keep him around until we need a roster spot or have a trade come up that we could throw him in to.

    He’s not a locker room problem or anything, so there’s no need to get rid of him yet

  2. CantWriteTears

    What are the chances of turning him into Drummond? If we dont get another center i would do it even for two SRPs.

  3. Dirks_Knee

    There’s no point to do anything until after the TDL.

  4. dmr196one

    McGee has the ability to go hard for 3-5 minutes so use him that way maybe a couple times a game to give someone a blow.

  5. dantheflyingman

    The vet min will pay him $3.2M, but the team that signs him only has to pay $2M, the league pays the rest.

    If there is a team willing to give him a 2 year min deal, then a buyout is the best option for all parties involved. McGee gets minutes, and the Mavs save $3M/year.

  6. ipawnn00bz

    I just have a feeling McGee will surprise some people this season

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