@Toronto Raptors

Raptors Franchise is Cool

We’re doing ok. No need to head down that speculative road where some are wanting to trade away extremely valuable pieces, disparage certain Front Office persons, withhold salary increases based upon their personal net worth, rake season ticket holder offerings over the coals and the like. Rather than hate on everything, bask in what’s been accomplished.

1. A franchise team worth $1 billion more than the most venerable professional team in the city’s history.
2. Has won a championship within the last 5 years.
3. Has the second highest winning percentage in the NBA (next to Golden State) in the last 10 years. [winning pct](
4. Has produced All Stars and All NBA players out of no-name players.
5. Has won 2 Coach of the Year Awards in the last 5 years.
6. The only NBA team outside of the USA with Gate and Merch revenues devalued by 35%, yet still manages to be profitable and competitive.
7. Finds and develops talent despite most American Superstars not wanting to play outside of their home country due to double taxation plus patriotism and family ties.

The franchise is profitable because it wins. That means less opportunity to rebuild via the draft. Trying to rebuild via the draft would mean courting several back to back losing seasons. At what cost in terms of fan loyalty?

Dynasties are not built within one season. Delayed gratification is the stuff that persons of good character and strong work ethics, are built from. Let’s see how the season plays out. And enjoy having an NBA franchise to cheer for and future hall of famers to see, right in our backyard for years to come. Unless of course we want to drive them out and into an American city whose fans would love to have those bragging rights.

by Bandung


  1. Affectionate_Box_587

    This sort of level headedness is not why I visit the sub..


    This post is for all of you that have been missing the appreciation posts for a sub 500 team.

    The fans, who are paying for this team to be one of the most valuable sport franchises in the NBA, have every right to criticize a product that the president of basketball operations of this team called “unwatchable”.

    The management has talked and set the expectations that we should not be satisfied for just making the playoffs. I don’t think there is anything wrong with fans holding them accountable.

    I’m sure the morale will improve once the team has a direction and there is some measurable improvement/development.

  3. Scase15

    Cool, I’ll be sure to send MLSE the congratulatory letter for their bank accounts growing with a .500 team.

    No one is complaining that the valuation of the team is low. They are complaining that the team has no direction and is poorly constructed. But yeah, let’s keep living in the past.

  4. Barnicus53

    I just want to know why I should care that they are valued at $1 billion, lol. Games are becoming more unaffordable by the year, so let’s be grateful?

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