@Boston Celtics

Can’t wait to hear “KP FOR THREEEEEEE”

Via kporzee on IG

by respectfullybro


  1. hotChihuahua69

    Who scores more 3s this season:


  2. KTO-Potato

    I always find transition 3’s to be so cool. Usually they’re often uncontested, your defense is easily able to get set, and you’re less prone to long rebounds that lead to fast breaks.

  3. Gloomy-String-2423

    The infamous chair is getting smoked again on defense!

    Yi Jianlian would be proud! Lol

  4. Bathclouds

    “Pooooorzzzzzinnnngggissss for threeeeeeeeeee”

  5. too-cute-by-half

    Went to a few Wizards games in DC, whenever he hit a 3 they had an animated unicorn trot across the Jumbotron screens. It was cute in a bush league kind of way.

  6. DocDRabbit

    Bro already hurt his foot wtf! Such a cooked franchise were becoming, traded our soul for another hospital patient so we can sign the give JB the most overpriced contract of all time. Smdh wyc and Brad need to go

  7. Breadman2474

    I’m hoping for big things from him as well. Just hope he stays healthy.

  8. Objective-Lawyer3391

    I’d bet Eddie Palladino is practicing that call.

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