@National Basketball Association

[Reynolds] Bobby Portis is awesome. Asked if adjusting to FIBA rules is hard, he says: “Hard is not for me, man. Hard is for the single mom with four kids. This is what I do. … Single mom, struggling to provide for her kids, that’s hard.”


> Bobby Portis is awesome. Asked if adjusting to FIBA rules is hard, he says: “Hard is not for me, man. Hard is for the single mom with four kids. This is what I do. … Single mom, struggling to provide for her kids, that’s hard.”

Bobby “The Big Picture” Portis

by lopea182


  1. Curious_Success_377

    He’s right.

    Hard is also my cock right now.

  2. RipCity56

    Next he’s going to start talking about loyalty.

  3. 00812533

    This reminds me when they were asking Steven Adams about how hard it was to be in the bubble and he said “we live in a resort mate, this ain’t Syria” lol

  4. BuffaloBrain884

    The Big Picture is actually a pretty cool nickname.

  5. grapplebaby

    Teachers are the real heroes. – Norm

  6. DoctorButtFucker

    This is insufferable lmao. Just talk about ball Bobby.

  7. maryjain_

    Look I understand what he’s saying and it’s a nice sentiment but I feel like these kinds of responses are kind of pointless a lot of the time. We all know that relatively speaking nothing about an NBA player’s life is “hard” but if we start doing this every time this comes up then no one in a developed country can ever say anything is difficult ever again. I just feel like it derails the conversation by pointing out something obvious that we all know to be true when the question is really more just about the challenges of adjusting to a different game/style of play which is something people actually want to hear about.

  8. He must’ve been watching Dusty Rhodes interviews all day

  9. coacoanutbenjamn

    Okay but we know life as a single mother is hard. But how do FIBA rules compare to NBA rules Bobby? That’s what we want to know

  10. nowhathappenedwas

    This is an eyeroll inducing response to a normal, legit question.

    “Can you talk about the adjustments you’re making to play alongside another big?”

    “Adjustments are when you’re 5 years old and your parents are murdered by a knife-wielding stranger and you have to drop out of kindergarten to take care of your younger siblings. Orphaned at 5, that’s an adjustment.”

  11. DoncicsRoadTo200kg

    Okay but can he answer the actual question lol

  12. DaKingindaSouff

    🤦🏽‍♂️ just answer the question Bobby

  13. mecon320

    This feels like that meme about the doctor telling the kid he’s brave for getting his shots, only for the dude to burst in the door yelling “but not as brave as our troops!”

  14. Helicase21

    Didn’t we get almost this exact same quote from Dame a couple years ago? Somebody should go after Portis for plagiarism

  15. mamayoua

    Wouldn’t it be great if he meant this as a dig?

    Like “I’m not some amateur, I’m not some single mom with 4 kids, I’m a professional. I can take on that challenge no problem”.

  16. HurricaneRon

    Is Bobby Portis running for Congress?

  17. narkaf2945

    These kinds of responses are getting corny. Virtue signalling and refusing to answer a legitimate basketball question. The PR people gotta start coming up with new lines. At least talk about which rule you had to adjust to more compared to the others.

  18. LinuxDootTP

    borinnnnng. dame might have said it first but neither response is as poignant as i once believed. no way either of these guys are that serious. what a weird deflection.

  19. Yeathree

    Reports say Portis was seen after practice picking up garbage around the arena. This guy just gets it.

  20. This is such a dumbass virtue signaling response tho.

    Imagine you ask a guy at your job if its hard to do a thing for you real quick and he hits you with the single mom excuse.

  21. KoalaSiege

    This is just pandering to that group of fans who want athletes to repeatedly acknowledge that they have it easier than regular people.

  22. He is awesome but not for this response. This is an asinine response to a normal question to get a reporter to write a tweet about how awesome you are.

  23. What is so awesome about this? Why can’t he just answer the question?

  24. TheSixthPistol

    Bobby Portis almost cutting the Dusty Rhodes’ “Hard Times” promo on FIBA.

  25. young_felipe

    That’s so fucking corny lmao. He’s asking you as a professional if the task of adjusting to FIBA rules was difficult or not. Goofy ass virtue signal.

  26. aghashayan

    He’s a real one. We have billionaire is this league that complain about their king’s suite in the bubble.

  27. AD_Wants_LBJs_D

    Why did this man punch Mirotic again? I always thought of him as the biggest POS, compounded with his crazy eyes.

    But ever since and this quote is proving otherwise.

  28. lundej16

    I had the pleasure of working with Bobby briefly a few weeks back and this man is somehow even cooler than advertised. Some guys you get the vibe that they’re putting on a nice face for the media but Portis walks the walk. If he wasn’t 6’11” you wouldn’t ever guess he was rich and famous.

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