@Denver Nuggets

Nuggets Reign – Day 59 | Discussion Thread – Aug 10, 2023

What’s good everyone? Feel free to discuss whatever you’d like here.

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**Daily Listening:** [Masayoshi Takanaka – All Of Me (1979)](

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  1. BoneyardBill


  2. TheOrthodoxPolock

    Give us this day our daily thread.

  3. UnderratedNightmare

    My hot take involving food: Blue cheese is fucking gross. I’ve try it every where I go thinking I just didn’t like the last place and its just gross no matter what. Give me ranch over blue cheese for wings. I said what I said.

    Cheesecake factory does have a good blue cheese ranch that goes on the buffalo sandwich. But thats the only one I’ve ever been able to stand.

  4. trevstan1

    Over rated foods draft.
    No.1 has to be hotdogs. There is a good reason that they are covered in ketchup mustard or chilli. It is because the only flavours they give off are the sodium nitrate that is sending you to an early grave and tbe chlorine used to extract the meat trimmings.

  5. I’m so fucking tired of thinking about Wizards. I just need one more Wizard ffs

  6. about90frogs

    Cooking up some biscuits and gravy but instead of biscuits I’m using donuts and instead of sausage in my gravy I’m using smoked salmon and instead of topping it with cheddar jack I’m using blue cheese.

  7. TheOrthodoxPolock

    Aight, let’s start the topic of the day, most underrated food??

    I’m rolling with apple chips, that’s a damn fine snack that doesn’t get the love or notoriety it deserves.

  8. smalltoes

    Work got Santiago’s for breakfast, but they got only ones without green chili. I’m quitting.

  9. gottschalkweiss

    Lurk, do you do your own screen printing?

  10. trevstan1

    No 2. on the overrated food draft has to be breakfast cereal.

  11. Nixbling

    Aight, let’s start the topic of the day, most overrated food??

    I’m going with bacon, Ik it’s blasphemous to say but that’s what makes it so overrated. it used to be something I loved when I was a younger, but now every time I eat it it’s way too salty and makes me feel like garbage after.

  12. porkadachop

    Not a specific food, but Panera Bread is not nearly as good as its prices suggest.

  13. Nixbling

    Started baldurs gate 3 yesterday, not normally a big fan of this kind of control style in games, but I’m such a big dnd fan that I’ll probably get over it

  14. Popple06

    My wife is pregnant and I’m 99% sure we conceived on the night the nuggets won the ‘chip. Am I legally obligated to name a boy Nikola?

  15. Nachos are overrated and a low-tier finger food

  16. I was struggling to think of a first round draft pick but I have one.

    Tofu is overrated


    I stumbled upon the stupidfood sub one day… a place that seemingly exists for no other purpose than to amplify tiktok food rage bait… basically people creating videos making stupid/gross/wasteful food for no other reason than to make people angry so they hate share it and drive up engagement…. and it occurred to me that maybe internet food discourse has run its course and it was never really THAT amusing that people have different taste in food.

  18. totally_comfortable

    I got some peaches that said they were from Palisade the other day and was pretty disappointed. nothing like the ones we had last year. hopefully we see some of those big ones in the next few weeks.

    the ones from last summer were HUGE and blew my mind when I took a bite. one of the sweetest and best tasting fruits I had ever tasted.

  19. flappypancaker

    I’m probably gonna get some heat for this…but my #1 overall pick for most overrated food is the classic hotdog

    Hear me out, bratwursts are great and have hundreds of different options for flavors, spices, etc. And they have ACTUAL MEAT, imo they are the vastly superior meat log delivery device.

    Hotdogs on the other hand…bland as hell, made of a gross “meat paste”, and they taste awful unless you absolutely drown them in ketchup/mustard toppings, etc.

    TLDR: Hotdogs are the poor man’s bratwurst, arguably the most over rated food

  20. Superbotto

    Most overrated food of all is by far … sushi.

  21. MasterStrange616

    My first pick in the overrated food draft are Burritos! I know I’m gonna get hate for this one

    First reason: too many times proportions are improper on them and there is either too much filling and creates a mess (just have a burrito bowl), or there is not enough and you’re just eating a tortilla.

    Second reason: flour tortillas are ultra mid, and I would much prefer a corn tortilla for tacos, have a torta, or just have the ingredients in a bowl with rice.

    They’re fine and a nice option, but nowhere near as good as people make them out to be.

  22. BlindManBaldwin

    I kind of like all food. I don’t think anything is overrated. The best food is the food you share!

  23. n0thing_remains

    Whisky is overrated. It just looks good in a glass in an actor’s hand who’s wearing an expensive suit, that’s pretty much it.

  24. PoorTonyK

    I have blocked the blind Baldwin guy. It’s for the best.

  25. BlindManBaldwin

    PoorTonyK blocked me 🙁

    I hope one day his heart heals.

  26. trevstan1

    No.3 on my overrated foods. Popcorn. Only the devil could come up with this dry tasteless mess.

  27. UnderratedNightmare

    Guess a new rainbow commercial dropped? Something about Ford. Because these dudes are ready to fight. They are pissed a Ford truck has a rainbow or whatever the commercial was for. Its all I’ve heard today. First their beer, now their trucks. Lmao. Please please please let the NRA have a rainbow on a AR in a commercial or something, please!

  28. IdRatherBeLurkingToo

    Apparently it’s “tell everyone how terrible your taste in food is” day

  29. n0t_malstroem

    You can always count on food to carry the daily threads 🫡

  30. I’m pretty sure u/BlindManBaldwin is pumped full of MDMA right now

  31. lemondhead

    Man, what a trash day. Send me some vibes. VIBES

  32. trevstan1

    No.4 on the overrated foods. Pizza. Was there ever a greater vehicle for overcharging for food. A few thin slices of a mushroom. That will be an extra dollar or two. A few slithers of a pepper. That will be an extra dollar or two. Etc Much rather have some cheese on toast.

  33. OptionalBagel

    Vogt was right about everything except onions and I will die on this hill

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