@National Basketball Association

Dirk drops 48 PTS in the 2011 WCF! | #23HoopClass

#23HoopClass Enshrinement, August 12 at 8pm/et on NBA TV

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  1. Dirk went 12-15 from the field and 24 of 24 from the free throw line, which was/is a record of sorts, I forgot. Most consecutive FTs in a playoff game, maybe?

  2. I was at this game. I remember laughing when they put Sefolosha on him. I knew they had run out of ideas.

  3. He was sooooo good dude. I used to watch his games and be like gawd damn hes unguardable and then Durant came in the league and came into his own and basically does the same stuff.
    Players like that dont come around that often.

  4. Man this driver is too nice. Why even explain anything to a shit hole. Just drive….

  5. Lol, and people think Jordan wouldn't be able to dominate in today's league with his mid-range game. 😂

  6. The midrange game in the NBA is pretty much dead. Thank God for YouTube shorts of Jordan, Bird, and Nowiztki.

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