@Golden State Warriors

What’s the communities opinions on this trade proposal?

While the Vuc pick up does really interest me, I’m intrigued in the pick up of Alex “The Goat” Caruso. I don’t know how well Vuc would fit into our system as we typically like well passing bigs as well as shooting bigs and I’m not too knowledgeable on Vuc as a player. Caruso honestly seems like a really good fit. Exceptional defence, playmaking and solid scoring. It also gets us off the Chris Paul contract and need to play him.

by TheoWHVB


  1. sonegreat

    Warriors sent a top-5 protected pick in the KD for D. Russel trade. And traded a top 20 protected pick in 2030 in the Poole trade. I think they also traded a really protected pick for the Oubre signing. They got a pick back in the D. Russell for Wiggins trade.

    I honestly don’t mind the above trade. I just don’t think this regime will trade an unprotected first(s). Which kind of ruins this trade or any kind of Siakam trade.

  2. osapjules

    Bulls would cut the call without a response. Let’s face it, cp is not an asset, he’s a liability with his contract

  3. Apoplexy

    Caruso is the bulls best player and the rumor is that we tried to get him at the deadline. I’d do this trade instantly, but I don’t know if the bulls know what they want yet.

    Frankly, I’d do this trade for just Caruso and taking on the Lonzo contract instead of the picks if that’s what it took.

  4. ImTheBestNerd

    I don’t love it, so it’s probably a fair trade. I think I’d rather have a wing than another center though.

  5. IJustReadEverything

    >It also gets us off the Chris Paul contract

    Warriors need to get off the max contract slot created when they signed Poole to the max. That’s why Chris is here, his next year is non-guaranteed. Getting off that slot lets them be under the 2nd cap even after re-signing Klay.

  6. GarvinSteve

    Warriors do this in a heartbeat – Caruso gives them D, Vooch gives them a rotational big and second unit scoring.

  7. mintberryCRUUNCH

    Definitely a good move for the future, but of all the “problems” and “complications” CP3’s fit has on the Warriors, his contract is, uh…not one of them.

    The contract is quite nice. Saved the Warriors over a hundred million dollars pre-tax, and he saves whichever team he is on at the end of this season another $30 million on top of that.

    I don’t know what compels Chicago to take him though, unless they’re going full-nuclear-rebuild.

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