@Denver Nuggets

Front page of a Croatian crossword puzzle magazine

Front page of a Croatian crossword puzzle magazine

by IdRatherBeLurkingToo


  1. NRGhome

    What an offensive depiction of our King! His nose should be BIGGER!!!

  2. JokAllYouWant2023

    I love that they added the bleeding scratches on his arm

  3. Mysterious_Ship7944

    Are Serbians and Croatians cool with each other.

    My homies are from Bosnia, and he says there’s tension between Serbs and Bosnians cause of the wars.

  4. milosruss

    Translation of text below photo: “Joker’s swagger in Nuggets temple”

  5. zabelagang

    I’ve noticed around social media that Croats (those who follow basketball) usually really like Nikola, even though he’s Serbian. I guess he’s just a really likeable guy.

    And I don’t mean that they usually hate Serbian players or anything like that, it’s just that it was a bit surprising to see.

  6. drums_addict

    Is there like an app you can upload a picture like this to and it will translate all the text or are we not there yet?

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