@Dallas Mavericks

Like a dying cockroach

This is how I will always remember this buster

by pimpfmode


  1. BreadCondiments

    This would’ve been such a great post a decade ago

  2. AtreusIsBack

    Okay, I know people don’t like Wade on this sub, but calling the man a cockroach is a bit much. Chill.

  3. hiimRickRenhart

    This moment is my core NBA memory. Wade lying on the floor, pretending to have been poked in the eye at the buzzer, looking for mercy from the ref, while Dirk is in the background, celebrating victory with his fist raised. F Wade of course. MFFL.

  4. CDGchris77

    Haha I used to hate D-wade so much; I remember watching this game in my living room when I was 14. In recent years, I actually respect him for how he has handled the situation around his daughter.

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