@National Basketball Association

The Open Court crew reacts to Barkley falling asleep during filming

The Open Court crew reacts to Barkley falling asleep during filming

by WhenMachinesCry


  1. ratattack97

    I feel like all NFL broadcasting shows have all of these coked out talking heads competing in a shitshow of people yelling over each other for an hour.

    Meanwhile, the NBA has Charles Barkley literally falling asleep mid-show and it’s 10x more entertaining.

  2. thayungsavage

    I loved Open Court with this crew wish they’d get together and do more

  3. Harleytk24

    I love how Shaq notices but doesn’t interrupt Kenny

  4. Hamza-KB

    Open Court is such an ol’ reliable to watch with food.

  5. ElvisPresleysNipples

    Is there any better sports media face in any league than Chuck, and to a bit lesser a extent his crew?

  6. semepaau

    I love the Open Court series! Their chemistry was unreal. It was hilarious and insightful at the same time. Watched it multiple times already and probably going to watch it again.

    Hope they have more seasons in the future and cover the 2000s and 2010s more.

  7. That shows the chemistry and how comfortable he is around the good men

  8. Petery007

    My favorite open court moment is when Kenny instigates Chris Webber into calling the Davis brothers “lunch meat”

  9. Iontknowcuz

    I remember a YouTube comment stating that Chuck was looking at his hands cause he dreamt he won a ring.

  10. dwadefan45

    I COULD NOT for the life of me remember what the name of this show was

    Thank you OP

  11. NotARageComic

    Rolling in the TV was an incredible decision, who ever made that happen is a hero.

  12. FeiPaul

    Is there anywhere where I can watch these open court full episodes?

  13. samurairocketshark

    Never thought I would miss open court this much because I thought this and Inside would just be the formula for basketball forever (old players just chopping it up with an Ernie type). Man was I naive and man is it sad that this stuff doesn’t happen as much

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