@Boston Celtics

Leung: Jaylen Brown wants to create a ‘Black Wall Street in Boston.’ What would that look like?

Leung: Jaylen Brown wants to create a ‘Black Wall Street in Boston.’ What would that look like?

by RLS012


  1. iStandWithLucky00

    So the current Wall Street is basically a bunch of servers in a building in NJ and some offices in NY.

  2. pass_ball

    There are tens thousands of Black people who own businesses and work in finance in Boston. They are not waiting around for a 26 year old, college dropout, basketball player to save them. It is insulting to them to suggest it.

    Media members love to attach themselves to JB. Read his tweets. He is more than a little goofy.

  3. Vast_Ad8251

    Yep, creating MORE division in this country sounds like a GREAT idea…

  4. BedSpring11

    Crazy idea but howabout he starts helping clean up all corruption with the current wallstreet before we start exploring the idea of a second wallstreet

  5. Theis159

    Jesus Christ people, Google stuff before coming here complaining and sounding racist yourselves. Black Wall Street is just a emblematic way to say he wants to incentivise Black business (since the black Wall Street was destroyed by white supremacists). While Jaylen tackles that with the wording that benefit more the black population he also talks about diminishing the inequality.

    Hate Jaylen as the player all you want, he might suck at the left hand and all. But he does give a shit about Boston (this is coming from a non-American fan) a lot. My guy is proposing to use this wealth a lot of the fanbase thinks he shouldn’t have to improve the city. That’s amazing, we need more people willing to do that.

  6. Electrical-Lychee569

    What about white wall street. Why’s everything about color. Stop being racist jaylen

  7. outtamyelementDonny

    The comments here sure aren’t helping the narrative…

  8. Pocket_Beans

    this comment section is a tough look

  9. Mr-Irrelevant0

    Won’t happen, at least not for a while.

  10. AlwaysOptimism

    It would look like any other street in America. The properties and businesses would just be owned by black folk. I was actually at Black Wall Street in Tulsa last month.

  11. GhostOfJiriWelsch

    I’m gonna guess all these dog whistle ass comments are coming from the same people who cry “BOSTON ISN’T RACIST” every time it’s brought up

  12. Particular_Teach_985

    So…are all the black finance guys I know going to have to go to this black Wall Street? Or will they be allowed to stay as full participants in out multiracial society?


    Props to Jaylen for trying to give back to the community with his wealth. He has strong character and could be a solid leader off the court and on the court. Hope his confidence in his abilities continues to grow.

  14. byfartun

    LOL we are never beating them allegations

  15. RavishingRickDuu

    Sounds good and all, but why does it have to be “Black”? Why does it always have to be about race, especially with Jaylen Brown? I remember one game they played a video during a time out where they asked the players if they could be one animal, what would it be? Pretty much everybody said, “Lion”, I think JT said “Dolphin”, but Jaylen Brown said a “Black Panther.” Guy is very race oriented from the sound of it.

  16. “Black Wall Street” is a reference to some successful black business districts in Tulsa (before they were destroyed in race riots by white supremacists in the 1920’s).

    It was called such because of wealth/success, not because of any relationship to the stock exchange.

    The comments section here suggests some folks need to pick up the history book before commenting. Alternatively, it was referenced heavily in the recent Watchmen TV series on HBO if you need a pop culture reference.

    Anyways, presumably the objective is to make vibrant black neighborhoods.

    The kind of challenge is how to invest in those areas without resulting in gentrification that just sees the current residents / culture pushed out.

    I would assume the starting point would be investment in black owned shops / restaurants in black neighborhoods like Mattapan+ to raise them up.

  17. wellbreastfed

    I don’t need to scroll because these exact comments are why people on this sub hate Jaylen brown

  18. w3bCraw1er

    For starters, Wall Street Bets but for black friends so they can lose money.

  19. TheChickenWasDry

    Saying this after you got the richest contract in history would make think he plans on helping fund some of those businesses?

  20. too-cute-by-half

    Increasing black business ownership is a great idea, but it’s not like Bostonians haven’t been working on it for years, backed by plenty of philanthropic dollars and government policy. JB could add his name and a few million bucks to these efforts but it’s highly unlikely to have transformative impact.

  21. scotty6chips

    Think of it this way.

    Most whites, by virtue of the way this country is constructed, are provided with a multitude of opportunities.

    Blacks, and other minorities, due to these same constructs, if given the same effort, are given fewer opportunities.

    Jaylen wants to elevate blacks so that the average black person and average white person ultimately receive the same or similar opportunities.

    Why would he focus on helping elevate all people, when he knows his own community best, and frankly, white people don’t need the same help since it’s already afforded to them by the civil constructs of our time?

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