@Minnesota Timberwolves

From the “look book”

From the “look book”

by quiksilva86


  1. CantaloupeCamper

    Man that photo … I get you want to get all the gear in the photo but that photo is almost creepy.

  2. Minute-Decent

    That hat is interesting. Can’t tell if I like the braided string but I like the colors and logo

  3. SadOutlandishness710

    Looks like some shit you could buy at a gift shop on the lake 😂 who is signing off on this shit as cool branding?

  4. VikingsandWolves

    Pr meeting “okay..Whats cool about Minnesota?”

    Pr guy “ummmm…Lakes we have lots of lakes! 10,000+ to he exact!”

  5. Broseph_Bobby

    Who ever they have designing these uniforms is a doofus. They look like a jersey a year team in Ice Cubes basketball league.

    And they are still better then the ‘oops my kid ate too many fruit snacks and threw up down their shirt’ jersey from last season.

  6. tulaero23

    Ofc the black guy gets the jersey. Jk. This is like an Abercrombie shit.

    Marketing should have gone the dave Chappelle skit of prince.

  7. arthurgordonpym8

    Basing it on our lakes is a good start. But this execution is 10 years too late. Waspy millennial core. We’ve got a cool team and cool players they deserve better.

  8. SevenHunnet3Hi5s

    i bet you that’s $300+ worth of merch in just this one photo alone

  9. Salmol1na

    Propaganda- no wolves fans can possibly be this happy

  10. Odogonmc

    These designs may be bland as hell, but I can see thousands of lake ladies wearing that 10,000 lakes hoodie on the boat.

  11. KickerofTale

    If that bucket hat fits my giant ass head I’m buying it

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