@Boston Celtics

(Sy) It’s Twitter Translate, but here’s the pertinent info: “After several weeks of recovery and a repeat MRI examination, the plantar fasciitis of my foot still prevents me from being on the field in full readiness.”

(Sy) It’s Twitter Translate, but here’s the pertinent info: “After several weeks of recovery and a repeat MRI examination, the plantar fasciitis of my foot still prevents me from being on the field in full readiness.”

by tacko2020


  1. tacko2020

    Before people freak out, as long as he didn’t tear it, it’s good they caught this before it got worse

  2. _Juntao

    Yeah this guy isn’t gonna last a full season + playoffs.

  3. Beantown00

    Love trading for an injury prone big who’s already injured lol. We have such shit luck as an organization

  4. 2kballislife

    While that doesn’t sound good I’d still do the trade over and over again. This team hit its peak with Marcus. It was time for a shakeup.

  5. tendadsnokids

    Just be ready by the regular season 🙏

    Pretty common injury that people absolutely come back from.

  6. Toledz_

    Plantar Fasciitis no big deal at all, just ask Peyton Manning. I’m sure being an already injury prone 7 footer will only make it a easier and quicker recovery am i right guys?

  7. Theis159

    Just FYI this is what was reported in 2020 after Dragic COMPLETELY tore his fascia:

    The severity of the tear often dictates the amount of time missed, though previous NBA cases present a discouraging precedent for Dragic. Since 2005-06, the average missed time for in-season plantar fascia tears in the NBA is roughly 13 games, including a 21-game, 54-day absence for guard Malcolm Brogdon during the 2018-19 season.

    This if from [this]( article. So the average is about 13 games if there is a full tear. Big guys like Pau Gasol (2013) had it and recovered fine. I wouldn’t be too worried

  8. jambr380

    PF is a completely overrated injury and they usually take it pretty seriously in the NBA with a boot and such.

    As a long distance runner, I’ve had it in both feet. And, while it is definitely painful, the biggest issue is reoccurrence, it’s not even career threatening in the case of a tear – which it doesn’t sound like it is

  9. Drizzlybear0

    He’s literally just not playing as a precaution, the last thing we need is a more expensive Gallo

  10. Dondon1927

    This core is toast and the writing has been on the wall for years now. This JT-JB duo will have 2-3 years before broken up

  11. PrometheusAborted

    Welp, I guess it’s good he didn’t pull a Gallinari but he shouldn’t have even considered playing if he was hurt to any degree.

    I get wanting to represent your country and all but cmon man. Did Latvia trade away the heart and soul of their team and agree to pay you millions? Oh, wait that was the Celtics.

    Get healthy and focus on the banner, KP.

  12. Like it or not the team hit their peak with Marcus. I love him to death but this team needed to add depth at the 4 and 5. It sucks he is hurt but I’m taking it as a blessing in disguise that he cant seriously injure himself in the cup. It’s not a super scary injury.

  13. RodionsKurucs

    Lots of people in Latvian social media think that he’s fine, but the pressure to not play is coming from Celtics. There were already rumors few days ago that he won’t play but the national team denied it all until now.

  14. AWalker17

    Perk dealt with plantar fasciitis his whole career so I’m sure we will be getting a hot take shortly.

  15. Otherwise_Horror_183

    A lot of Smart first, Celtics second fans here it seems. How about rooting and wishing well for players that you have now, not being all doom&gloom and expecting the worst just because FO traded your guy. KP will be fine, he’s been through worse and has come back stronger.

  16. daft_dunkwwwolfey

    Hope this is just a really good excuse for him not play. Or at least he has time to rest it

  17. JaylenBrownFlow

    glad he’s not playing he’ll be all healed amd ready for training camp

  18. DoomdUser

    Plantar fasciitis is super fucking annoying, and I can’t imagine being his size and trying to manage it while playing at pro speed. I’m glad to hear he’s resting it and not trying to push through it.

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