@Golden State Warriors

Underrated Part II: The Warriors’ 2023 Movie

Steve Kerr reveals everything about the Warriors’ year in this Warriors 2023 Biopic. What went wrong and what needs to be done to fix it.

Classic Horror 1 – Dark World by Kevin MacLeod is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 license.


  1. Now Swish, you knew I was lurking in the shadows, as I'm your arch nemises, so I'm going to give you my take on your assessment. I agreed with parts of your video, others I didn't. So I'll start with the part I agreed with. Playing the younger guys more minutes is something I can agree with, as I also agree it wasn't a connection with the veterans with the younger guys. Now I will start with the things I disagreed with, including those 2 radio guys assessment on the veterans. In the NBA, veterans have "never" connected with young talent in the league despite their talents, this is nothing new. I'll give you a plethora of examples to validate my point, starting with the 80's Lakers. Earvin "Magic" Johnson and Byron Scott would bump heads all the time, as Scott went on record as saying he was far more talented than Magic. The olympics, remember that team with LeBron James and Dwayne Wade? They sat on the bench because they were young despite their talents, and they lost the olympics while they sat on the bench with zero playing time because of the veterans. And lets not forget the Laker team with all the lottery picks that got traded due to youth and LeBron's desire to win a championship. LeBron wanted no parts of the younger talent, so they traded them away. The Cleveland Cavaliers of the 90's with Kevin Johnson, it's funny the media never mentions those days when he sat on the bench watching Mark Price do his thing. Despite his talents, he sat on the bench with limited playing time because of his youth, so they traded him to the Phoenix Suns and the rest is history. The Dallas Mavericks under Dick Motta, which had an all star lineup of Mark Aguirre and Rolando Blackman along with Jay Vincent. They had a bench player by the name of Dale Ellis that was receiving DNP's more than today's CBA players. I watched this guy literally come off the bench when Aguirre got hurt, and scorch teams from the 3 point line when 3 pointers weren't popular. He would come off the bench and score 35 points, but upon Aguirre's arrival back from the injury reserve, would be relegated to 5 and 6 minutes and sitting on the bench, but once he got traded to Seattle, he not only became a perennial all star, he was the all time leader in 3 pointers made, as hall of famer Reggie Miller admittedly modeled himself after Ellis. Motta just flat out refused to play the guy because of the veterans. So to sit here and say they needed to connect with the younger players is a wrong assessment. Kuminga was way to silly and didn't take the game serious, as was Wisemen. Gilbert Arenas on his recent show, said the reason he didn't receive playing time is because he was way to silly on his approach to the game, a guy that could have score over 80pts in a ballgame had he not been removed after the 3rd quarter. A guy that the late Kobe Bryant admired so much, he gave Arenas 5 championship rings, THAT guy. So see it's easy to sit back and point the finger at the veterans, but you have absolutely no idea how those guys approach to the game were. But from my observation, Jordan Poole, who I campaigned the entire season needed to be traded, was way to silly to be playing with those core group of players, as was Wiseman. And if Moses Moody don't staighten out, he will be next.

  2. It all started with the punch in which Dray and Kerr's leadership was in question with the way they handled the situation when the video leaked out. The punch ruined the whole team's chemistry. If you were MJ maybe you'll get away because you're the best player of your team.

  3. This is your opinion and i can tell you didn't watch a lot of Warriors games last year. They underperformed in the away games but played good at home. Makes no sense.

  4. There wasn’t a line drawn. The young guys weren’t listening. They didnt learn the plays. They couldn’t set a screen effectively. Only a blind man couldn’t see that the second unit couldn’t even play against other teams 3rd strings.

    We had the best starting 5. Would have leads and then less than 2 minutes later they’d be in a deficit. They weren’t willing to learn the plays or listen to Kerr.

  5. Lamb played the point. Kuminga played the 4. They played 2 different positions. He got Poole’s minutes when Poole was turning it over and refusing to start the offense. Or Poole would play the 2 while Lamb played the point. Kuminga was in the game when Wiggins and company were out. Kerr gave him specifics to work on so he could also play the 3. Kuminga didn’t work on those things. He’s not going to get the playing time from Wiggins and GP2. He has to play the 3. Kerr vocalized that much at the end of the season. If Kuminga doesn’t expand his game, he won’t get playing time this season either. He was told specifics on what he needed to do

  6. I believe your analysis is an over read or over reach or over reaction. While I'm sure some of the dynamics you touched on exist, I feel the game / buisness is much more simple – you play who gives you the best chance to win. I believe that is what Kerr did. No +/- stats were mentioned, and that stat is not the end all. However, I watched ever game last year and the playoffs – JK and Poole didn't play because of their decision making, lack of proper ball movement, and in JK's case – lack of system understanding. If JKs play would have contributed significantly to wins he would have played regardless of any dynamics with any teammate. Similarly, if JP didn't have awful ball handling, awful turnovers, and made better decisions and contributed more to winning he would have played more. Simply put these guys did not contribute heavily to winning and more often than not in game time situations they were a problem and net negative. Why that is? Who knows and this discussion leads to tons of speculation. Regardless, of the why, the result was they were a net negative on winning, and that is why they didn't play. There are many videos of JK working on his shot, improving his game, etc… this summer, which is great. That type of work is always needed, but I hope he is putting even more time in watching film, mastering the system, and improving his basketball IQ because if he has not been doing this then this coming season will be a repeat of last year. –> Didn't even get into the point of what Steph went through working his way up, or how many times all teams trade away recent young players drafted in the first round, etc… None of this unique to the Warriors or new. If you are trying to get a starting job, become the best player you can be, etc.. stop blaming coach or teammates and focus on what you can control, how you can contribute to winning, etc… There is so much talent and so much money no one will pity you. Put your big boy pants, put in the work, and show them what you're made of, etc…

  7. Also disagree with CP comments. I have no idea where he'll play, no one does. However, my money is on leading the second unit for several reasons (1) Stef, Klay, DG, KL, and Wiggs were statistically the best starting 5 in the entire NBA – the last 2 years. Ain't broke then don't fix it. (2) Those starting 5 have a very different style of play compared to CPs natural style of play. (3) The biggest problems with the Warriors last year were (a) non Curry minutes and (b) turnovers – believe CP clearly resolves both these issues at a high level, which means he's playing most often when Curry is resting and there is no doubt Curry is starting. (4) CP is a 2nd unit game changer – if the Warriors play as good as they did last year and (a) have less turn overs and (b) don't lose ground or actually gain some ground when Curry is on the bench then they are competing in the West Finals and likely the NBA finals with a good chance to win. (5) Look at what CP did at OKC – imagine him doing that with JK, Moody, Saric, and GPII – throw in Quinones, Jackson-Davis, Corey Davis where and when applicable. That could be beyond killer. A second unit that plays at almost the same level, if not equal or better at times, yet will likely play a different style all together (think thunder and lightening running backs in the NFL analogy). Potential is unreal. Hope it becomes a reality. While CP starting is certainly possible, seems quite unlikely.

  8. The young guys are a threat to dgreen future if kuminga Wiseman moody play to there potential warriors don't need dgreen that's why green isn't helping any of the young guys

  9. I feel sad I'm a warriors fan but its obvious there going downhill there to old I'm scared they might not make playoffs because of games missed by veteran players and steph klay and green are going to lose a step every year

  10. Kerr is Smarter than most of us, he clearly sent a message to Kuminga last year and it was, you are not bigger than the team and you must buy in willingly to winning at all cost to be a champion even if it means not getting regular minutes at times. You must still work on your game and be prepared every night and when your number is called you must perform… excuses about not playing well because of a lack of playing time like these outside voices keep saying. You are paid millions of dollars to get yourself prepared to play whenever you are called upon. You are not the first to be in this situation so tighten up and make that year 3 leap. Kerr, had to set the stage last year because he did not want JK to be another Jordan Poole who got his bag and felt like he had arrived and no longer needed leadership or hard coaching….he is gone now and if JK will buy in he will get all the playing time he desires but not at the expense of the team….if Steph, Dray, Klay, Wiggs and Looney all were willing to come off bench for good of team you need that same mentality to be a success on the team and in the locker room. It is chess not checkers Steve Kerr is playing and he learned from 2 of the best in Phil Jackson and Greg Popavich!!!

  11. Monte Poole please stop speaking on locker room stuff when you are not in that locker room….leadership comes in many forms, we now finding out Poole was becoming a cancer in the locker room way before Draymond punched him and it was beginning to impact other young players like Kuminga who he could influence. Poole was tight with Wiggins but you did not see him impact Wiggins because he is a veteran who understands it takes sacrifice to win at an elite level. So stop blaming Draymond’s leadership or any other vets leadership for Jordan Poole’s immaturity and unwillingness to buy into the culture and team after he won a chip and got his bag….he got out of line and the team’s enforcer did his job in my opinion but it was caught on tape and that was a problem for Draymond but if it had not been caught on tape, I still think Poole would have been traded because he was beginning to be a problem !

  12. Thank you for touching the HUGE coaching problem in Golden State… Kerr has NEVER been a good coach… He took Mark Jackson's idea, and screwed it up.. A goldfish could have coached the warriors to a chip.

  13. I feel like the key to unlocking Kuminga is CP3. I also feel that if beast in Kuminga is unlocked the Warriors WILL win it all because I'm banking on Wiggins being himself next season. Poole's production will be EASILY replaced by either Kuminga or Moody or probably both so I don't think we're going to miss him at all. With the signing of Cory Joseph he's going to play the back up point guard and Moody for back shooting guard will finally get playing time. I would of loved for Warriors to sign a back big but if we can still somehow get the most outta the young guys finally I think we'll still be alright.

  14. Enjoyed your insights. Yet Green even admits he was a leader but really was a vet who needed to lead. There’s a difference. Now with Paul there he can learn how to do it right way and will be spending time to know and teach kuminga and get things right

  15. huge mistake not to suspend green for what he did. doesnt make sense unless they dont know right from wrong. that should be automatic no questions asked. green cant lead with his mouth hes going to have to do it thru playing. i wouldnt want to hear it either. it cost em cuz they stunk the joint out last year. hey joe – you cant be afraid to discipline a player especially when he thinks he's bigger than the game. he's lost a lot of respect and trust. i keep hearing they cant win without him – well now weve seen you cant win with him. this is a team game and guys will step up given a chance. the mentality has to change and allow the whole team to flourish like it used too….treat your bigs like theyre david west…your wings like shaun livingston, etc…strength in numbers means you need every guy to win…act like it. dont let a bully dictate what happens…its always a good time to lose a bad employee…

  16. Good to see Swish out there making videos. I think starting with Poole getting socked is a mistake, that punch didnt just happen out of nowhere, there was a leadup there was the attitude each player brought to camp … Green is one of the best leaders, dont believe me check the stats

  17. BTW – That wasn’t Monte Poole. It don’t mean much coming from “Guru” who said he could take Jordan Bell 1vs1.

  18. When Wiggs was absent many assumed it was JK's time. This season he was not a replacement for Wiggs; the coaches expected certain things of him, but NOT that. Coaches might have made mistakes, but I believe they care about his development. Putting him in was worth a try; you made a point of saying he was benched for a single mistake. 👉It was a mistake he had made several times before!👈 Taking him out made perfect sense when we were barely at 50%, losing every road game, and even the play in was in question. His skills are improving quickly, but his on court awareness, team play, and ability to adapt need more work. This could be his breakout season: He just has to listen and learn to put his skills to work in the best possible way.

  19. Poole was the problem with last year's team. He alone was the key factor of the second unit looking like a dumpster fire. If it wasn't a dribbling turnover, it was a heat check jumper with no flame going.

  20. The good news is that they both left the team. I hope JP3's career goes smoother than KD's career. Every person in the org. should regularly ask "What could I have done differently? The team is too talented, relevant and capable of going to the WCF. To win it all in June they need at least 10 players commited to the quest. IMO they have to start the season with 15 players auditioning for a role on a championship DYNASTY. Saw yr YT short on JK at ProAm. Fire! JK and Moody will step up and contribute to a championship winning team (anchored by #30**#11**#9) and a campionship szn.

  21. The issue started when the media start making Poole think he was a SPLASH BROTHER then the big pay day
    He hadn’t earned it yet. That was earned thru playing in championships and Poole had yet to shoot or perform well in one let alone the playoffs
    I believe that started his ego trip that initially got under the teams skin

  22. The leadership is the reason we got CP3
    He will get everybody involved and it will make the team seem more glued together

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