@Toronto Raptors

This graphic says that Vince Carter is the most important player drafted by the Raptors in Franchise history. Agree or disagree?

This graphic says that Vince Carter is the most important player drafted by the Raptors in Franchise history. Agree or disagree?

by hyplusone


  1. midnightmunchiez

    Absolutely. He single handedly changed basketball in Canada

  2. jafferbee

    Anyone that says no must not have been around in the late 90s and early 2000s and isn’t qualified to answer the question.

  3. homemadejelly

    Vince wasn’t drafted by the raptors…..technically

  4. fingerbangchicknwang

    Vince is still the only **superstar** we ever drafted and created the foundation of the fanbase in Toronto that exists today.

  5. Top-Expression7891

    Strongly agree. Was drafted by Golden State on behalf of the Raptors but I guess that’s a technically.

    Some of the other team choices are pretty dubious though, imo.

  6. SpicyP43905

    Was drafted by the warriors, but if we’re saying most important player that started there career with Toronto? Sure. Imo not the greatest in terms of legacy, but in terms of importance, yeah.

  7. idislikehate

    This is very clearly a yes.

    Also, spare me with the “he was technically drafted by the Warriors.” The deal was done, he was drafted with the intention of him being a Raptor. Don’t give the 2018-19 2nd Place Franchise credit they don’t deserve.

  8. bornin85

    Other than the “he wasn’t technically drafted by us” I’m going to disagree on Vince and say demar. Long standing player ushered in our greatest generation, holds a ton of team records and was the main player going out to bring in kawhi, our best player on a championship team. Vince may have been a spectacle but no one took us seriously until we made them in 2019

  9. Adamwlu

    Its Vince, cause everything he did in being a marketable basketball player on top.

    On a pure on the court, you could make a case for CB4. Over 7 seasons CB posted a 60 Win Share, Vince posted 47.7 over 7 seasons. (DeMar posted 54 over 9 seasons)

    CB really carried some average/below average teams to the playoffs.

    Is it me, or likely not giving Marc the benefit of being “drafted” by the Grizz and listed is kind of bull. Like sure the Lakers drafted him, but it was the Grizz that brough him over. Mike was what, the third best player on those Grizz teams? (Behind Z-Bo and Marc) I think I would take Ja over Mike on a similar idea to Vince being the raps, with marketability etc. as well (might have been listed if not for this gun thing).

  10. crackhousebob

    It’s not even close. DeRozan was great but Vince was a superstar for the Raptors.

  11. RunCMC_22

    Its VC. Vince’s impact on basketball in Canada is more important than the impact any other player had.

  12. JustAnotherMark604

    The pick swap with Golden State put us on the map

  13. bart_cart_dart_eart

    Where the Il Mago heads at??

  14. Stock_Coat9926

    Absolutely. If it weren’t for Vince, we would have the same fate as the grizzlies.

  15. n3moh0es

    without a question let’s be real here. drafted in the most crucial time for the franchise as a new team in the nba

  16. Wolfduggins

    We didn’t draft him. Even if we did the answer his demar. He got us to a point we were winning year in and year out. Then we treated him for kawhi.

  17. BigSchmeeker

    Yes, 100% not even up for discussion.

    Canadian basketball wouldn’t be what it is without air Canada Carter

  18. Dtagger

    I was in a sports apparel store in Houston a few months back and they had a purple VC jersey on display. So as a status of recognizable franchise player among the masses, I think Carter has a solid argument.

  19. BitHawkeyes

    What’s up with some of those logos. Are they not allowed to use the official logos for stuff like this?

  20. He wasn’t even drafted by the Raptors! Draft day trade with Golden State

  21. keeeeener

    Nah, I’d argue that Vince was hands down the most influential nba player. But demar was more influential for the raps imo (Drake helped a ton with that too).

  22. embracethedoom

    Interesting Dwight Howard out ranks Shaq in Orlando. Like, I get it, but really?

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