@Miami Heat

Barry Jackson: Meanwhile, as of early this week, Portland was still showing no interest in doing a deal with Heat, who visit Blazers in late Feb. in what is reportedly Portland’s only national TV game. To me, Lillard has much of leverage based on how messy he’s willing to make this (unknown)

Barry Jackson: Meanwhile, as of early this week, Portland was still showing no interest in doing a deal with Heat, who visit Blazers in late Feb. in what is reportedly Portland’s only national TV game. To me, Lillard has much of leverage based on how messy he’s willing to make this (unknown)

by Burgerman23_


  1. oneofone305

    He’s either staying or getting traded here. He’s not going to open his list and I don’t see him making it messy like Harden. It might just stay a standoff up until the deadline

  2. Domguyps5

    Hopefully, the heat moves on and focuses on filling out the remaining spots

  3. noochies99

    I remember when a south Florida radio personality used to call this guy Barry Jackass

  4. JSmoove309

    We are not going to get Damian Lillard by sitting around waiting for Portland to call us and say “fine we accept whatever”. Pick up the phone and make some damn offers. You have teams interested in taking Herro to help. You know who you’re absolutely willing to give up so do it or move on.

  5. MediocreDVaMain

    Regardless of what happens I’m confident with what the Heat have done and I’m looking forward to this season. Dame has done his due diligence, Miami has found suitors to make it a multi team deal that will get the Blazers more stuff but they’re absolutely petty and dumb that they would rather keep their disgruntled star in hopes that he’ll be a happy camper about it (he won’t).

    Still despite this Barry report there’s still time to get this done if Cronin gets his head out of his ass and realizes that their pick returning to the Bulls would be a bigger reason to fire him rather than getting stuff for their aging star.

  6. nomoreshiny

    I know Dame is an unbelievable talent, but I think we already have a great squad, Herro takes a big leap & our young core is exciting. Honestly, I’m good either way.

  7. acoker78

    I still can’t really get on board with saying Lillard has the leverage based on how messy he’s willing to make it. Almost always players are the face of the league, so if he appears to throw a tantrum, he’s the one that will be seen as taking his ball and going home. Blazers always have the “contract still years left” card. I’m still clinging to hope he stays in Portland but that is a Joe dream.

  8. Vurtune011

    dont do media session just pull a jimmy at training camp

  9. At this point, I want Riley to make a final offer a few weeks before training camp and then move on with the roster we have.

    Riley should make it know that if (really when) Portland calls back the offer is less than whatever the final offer was.

  10. Historical_Spirit445

    Who the fuck does this jabroni think he is. “To me” like he can speak shit into existence

    Your whole fanbase is a laughingstock

  11. Background_Action_92

    Joe Cronin is a lil bitch. Shits gonna get hot in Portland if this drags out

  12. Emmbryyy

    Hopefully his fuckin ass stays in Portland.

  13. Mellothewise

    Thanks for these helpful updates, Barry

  14. joeyt7713

    Lol it’s gonna be crazy when my boy tyler starts putting up 26 a game on good shooting splits. Then what are we gonna do

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