@Minnesota Timberwolves

[Minnesota Timberwolves] 4+ hours of cleanup for 4 minutes of content. enjoy your 23-24 schedule release, Wolves fans.

[Minnesota Timberwolves] 4+ hours of cleanup for 4 minutes of content. enjoy your 23-24 schedule release, Wolves fans.

by irishace88


  1. Evening_Ad_7561

    This has the be the worst promo I’ve ever seen😭

  2. Esco_Dash

    Kinda corny but clever I tried to guess some of them.

  3. AJbandero

    Thinking this is a culture thing where maybe some of the employees got to throw in their ideas? That’d be cool 😎

  4. scofieldslays

    very clear this sub is not on tiktok where these videos are all the rage lol

  5. This feels budget, but in the most expensive way possible

  6. SteamyRay_Vaughn

    This is hilarious. Tons of work for little payoff. That heat cigar fuck it yeet lmao

  7. organized_meat

    Malort sends the ole shiver down the spine, thanks Chicago.

  8. TheMathProphet

    Given that a lot of them were in Ball Jars, I guess we coming hard for the Nuggets.

  9. DooflesMcFloofles

    This is a cute video even though it’s a little corny. Some of y’all need to lighten up lol

  10. WrinkledRandyTravis

    I was hoping to see more jars thrown straight at the wall

  11. Sugarking45

    This isn’t hate to the video I hope this TikTok trend dies

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