@Philadelphia 76ers

[Goodwill] Many around the league believe Joel Embiid will ask out sooner rather than later — and that a full rebuild is what Morey is covertly hoping for. For Morey, a teardown could be better than another outright failure in the East.


> The NBA is a relationship business, and the Harden-Morey business has been fruitful for Morey, who garnered the “genius” label by poaching Harden from Oklahoma City before the start of the 2012-13 season.

> It paved the way for Harden to carry the Houston Rockets for nearly a decade and Morey has been the patron saint for a certain type of executive. But his blind spot has always been the people business. It’s long been accepted emotional attachments can lead to wayward decisions, but not acknowledging the domino effect for other players and teams will cost someone in the end.

> However this ends, could it cost Morey and the Philadelphia 76ers the services of one Joel Embiid?

> Embiid has said all the right things publicly, but there has to be some residual fatigue in his entire 76ers experience. Morey is only responsible for the last few years, but in totality, many around the league believe Embiid will ask out sooner rather than later — and that a full rebuild is what Morey is covertly hoping for.

> For Morey, a teardown could be better than another outright failure in the East. He threw Doc Rivers overboard this summer, and it’s worth noting the 76ers haven’t gotten any closer to the East finals since Morey took over — he wasn’t running things when Kawhi Leonard’s bounce-bounce-bounce-bounce buoyed the Toronto Raptors to new heights in 2019, and the 76ers have squandered at least two opportunities since.

by UnbiasedNBAFan_


  1. VicVinegar-Bodyguard

    I personally hope morey getting fired would be the first step in the rebuild.

  2. HoagieTwoFace

    I just saw Ramona yesterday saying Embiid wants to stay.

  3. EchoInExile

    “Embiid is close to asking out” has been a story every year for awhile now. Not saying it won’t happen, but this shit generates clicks.

  4. Light_Liberty

    I highly doubt Morey would be around for a rebuild. He might not make it out of this Harden mess.

  5. TerminallyTrill

    This honestly doesn’t make sense, is this dude credible at all?

    You don’t toss the reigning mvp to rebuild lol. Morey values star players above all else so there isn’t even logical consistency

  6. unrealjoe28

    I don’t want Morey anywhere near this franchise if there’s another rebuild.

  7. bravof1ve

    Morey should not be here if any of that comes to pass

  8. A_Stickman_Jr

    Hoping for a rebuild? If that’s the case fucking fire him. This offseason is somehow more dramatic than the Ben Simmons saga.

  9. amJustSomeFuckingGuy

    Sounds like it’s hardens agent working overtime.

    How about…. you entitled fuck… think about actually playing well with the mvp in a contract year so teams want to pay you and you have a shot to win? Why does harden have to fucking suck like this? He makes so much money in endorsements this shit shouldn’t matter. Like where is the line he draws where the millions he gets paid are enough?

  10. foleshurtswentz

    Cool. Who gives a fuck. Go birds go phils

  11. Moheezy__3

    With the Dame trade being stalled, Embiid for Scoot + picks wouldn’t be the worst thing.

  12. SnooHobbies3318

    Embiid is stuck in a situation where he doesn’t get enough support, unlike Nikola Jocik in Denver. The chances keep waning with each passing year.

  13. thisbechris

    This just in: underperforming team has superstar that *may* not be happy and *possibly* wants out early. More at 10.

  14. thisisbyrdman

    A sourceless story with a ton of “coulds” and “mights”. NBA media is trash.

  15. oldskoolchevy

    This article says daryl Morey is hoping for a rebuild. Lol. This is so clearly a smear job by harden’s camp. Goodwill is also notoriously anti-sixer

  16. swalsh21

    I can assure you that Morey does not want to trade Embiid and rebuild lmao

  17. Yellowperil123

    You can’t really tear down and rebuild if you don’t control your picks.

    It takes away the most effective strategy, tanking.

  18. Dry_Explanation_3724

    They arent gonna trade embiid without a young star coming back or a bunch of firsts coming from a team that is getting old quickly

  19. TryingToForget77

    Lol. Harden gave these rumor mill bloggers and reporters food for the rest of the year. And it looks like they were hungry.

    Doc wasn’t his hire, BS and his bs wasn’t his fault, he dumped BS and Horford. Nabbed Harden and they just missed out on an ECF birth. While having Harrell on the team and PJ who can’t score much as a starter.

    Morey got Hardens buddies and bent over backwards for him. He got 70m in two years and pulls this crap. Lol. Pretty disappointed in Hardens actions, so hopefully he gets traded soon but he proved he’s just a diva like BS. Pat Bev is right, most of these guys just don’t care and want that money and ass kissed. Hell, didn’t Morey also fire Doc because he and James didn’t see eye to eye?

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