@National Basketball Association

[Goodwill] Many around the league believe Joel Embiid will ask out sooner rather than later — and that a full rebuild is what Morey is covertly hoping for. For Morey, a teardown could be better than another outright failure in the East.


> The NBA is a relationship business, and the Harden-Morey business has been fruitful for Morey, who garnered the “genius” label by poaching Harden from Oklahoma City before the start of the 2012-13 season.

> It paved the way for Harden to carry the Houston Rockets for nearly a decade and Morey has been the patron saint for a certain type of executive. But his blind spot has always been the people business. It’s long been accepted emotional attachments can lead to wayward decisions, but not acknowledging the domino effect for other players and teams will cost someone in the end.

> However this ends, could it cost Morey and the Philadelphia 76ers the services of one Joel Embiid?

> Embiid has said all the right things publicly, but there has to be some residual fatigue in his entire 76ers experience. Morey is only responsible for the last few years, but in totality, many around the league believe Embiid will ask out sooner rather than later — and that a full rebuild is what Morey is covertly hoping for.

> For Morey, a teardown could be better than another outright failure in the East. He threw Doc Rivers overboard this summer, and it’s worth noting the 76ers haven’t gotten any closer to the East finals since Morey took over — he wasn’t running things when Kawhi Leonard’s bounce-bounce-bounce-bounce buoyed the Toronto Raptors to new heights in 2019, and the 76ers have squandered at least two opportunities since.

by UnbiasedNBAFan_


  1. ImTheBestNerd

    Is this a report? It just sounds like speculation

  2. SubZero_dot785

    What team would be the best fit for Embiid?

  3. SnooChipmunks4208

    Morey knocking the 7d chess out of the park.

  4. DoctorAco

    I don’t think Morey is hoping for that. If embiid asks for a trade, Morey is likely gone.

    Sixers would prioritize removing the stain in their name because of what transpired between Morey and Harden. Whether the handshake is true or not, you cannot have a star player telling everyone your GM is a liar.

    I mean, they have huge cap space next year, but what is the point of that if you have to pay a premium on free agents because they don’t like Morey. If Spurs and sixers offered the same contract, i assume the free agent would choose the Spurs, right?

  5. graveyeverton93

    The process officially started ten years ago after a second round exit… And if it officially ends with never getting passed the second round, then it can only be a monumental failure.

  6. YayoBankroll

    Sixers fans, how do you feel about this

  7. WhatShouldTheHeartDo

    Late 2010s eastern conference ball was just hearing the media completely blow the 76ers, and they never even reached the ECF and now they gotta head into rebuild mode.

    Trust The Process

    Them mfers didn’t even do that.

  8. WorldTwisting

    Yeah doubt it since trading Embiid is Morey’s job gone

  9. AccomplishedFront563

    He was secretly hoping to trade the pity MVP for FRP all along

  10. RyanDoctrine

    Man. I’m torn. On one hand this would suck so bad for sixers fans, but on the other hand this could be Morey’s version of OKC. VERY curious what that would look like.

    Embiid slander aside, I really hope he finds success **on the sixers**. God knows ya’ll have suffered.

  11. herbertstan

    If we trade for Embiid, I’m gonna have to delete a lot of comments

  12. xpillindaass

    he thinks he’ll make it past embiid leaving 😂😂

  13. OkSession3933

    Earliest Embiid would ask out is 2025. I’m sure he’ll want to see how the Harden situation plays out and if Harden leaves, who they would bring in next year and how it would work after a season playing together

  14. Embiid can ask for a trade but no team will give up the kind of value Morey will be asking for. Everyone seems to be speculating that Embiid’s value is well above what Durant, AD or Gobert went for and I don’t agree with that at all. I’ve seen suggestions like OKC giving up Chet, Jalen Williams, Giddey and 7-8 first-round picks, which is just batshit crazy for a 300 pound 7-footer who gets injured every season and can’t take his team past the second round despite playing alongside a bunch of all-stars.

    Embiid’s body type, injury history, and reckless play style make him a ticking time bomb whose career can nosedive at any moment. Any team that would gamble their future for a shot at Embiid leading them to a championship is a team run by absolute idiots. 2-3 first-round picks and a couple of young players is all that Embiid is realistically worth and Morey won’t ever accept that type of deal, so they’re stuck together.

  15. astronomybovine

    The Sixers are a trash organization. I used to be a season ticket holder and they think they’re a good franchise but they might as well be the bobcats.

  16. No-Lake-9920

    They ain’t giving morey the keys to that rebuild so I doubt that very much

  17. Empire0820

    If you believe this you are dumber than me and I’m pretty dumb cuz I don’t believe this

  18. PetalumaPegleg

    Morey is hoping that the current MVP asks out.

    Truly some galaxy brain nonsense

  19. husbandofsamus

    Couldn’t have happened to a better organization.

  20. joe2352

    I’ve been giving my cousin who is a Philly fan a hard time all off season saying Philly should trade Embiid and try to get Scoot. But realistically I just don’t know what a trade package looks like IF Embiid were to ever ask out. Would Miami enter the conversation? Maybe someone out of left field like the Kings?

  21. SamVilian1893

    At least he could get something for embiid, harden is worthless

  22. thisisbyrdman

    Sourceless story. “Could.” “May.” “Might.”

    What are we doing here, NBA media?

  23. Smenderhoff

    Morey calling in favors with reporters to get the “But I MEANT to do that!!” narrative cooking early

  24. HooliganBeav

    In no way do I believe Morey wants that as there is no way in hell Philly would keep him on to do the rebuilding.

  25. bigtiger1234567

    James Harden man, I was so stoked to have him on our team. Seems like it was cursed from the start.

    If embiid leaves man fuck.. that’s so fucked

  26. forcedtojoinreddit

    So basically restart the process hahahhahagahahahah

  27. -KFBR392

    I find it hard to believe Morey would keep his job if Embiid asks out.

  28. TheMoorNextDoor

    If Joel ask out I honestly believe Morey will be fired regardless just because of this mess and his name be slandered not only by Harden but other players (CP3, etc) as well.

  29. HikmetLeGuin

    Yes, being absolute shit is better than being good and having expectations. Who knows, if they get rid of Joel Embiid, they might even be bad enough to draft the next Joel Embiid.

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