@Philadelphia 76ers

Sixers INVESTIGATED By NBA! | Daryl Morey WANTS 1st Round Picks For James Harden?

According to ESPN’s Adrian Wojnarowski, the NBA has finally stepped in and is now investigating the Sixers & James Harden for this situation. Some light has finally been shed on what the issue really is. Also, it is reported that Daryl Morey actually wants draft picks from the Clippers instead of Terrance Mann. Is a rebuild incoming? Today, we discuss it all! #Sixers #jamesharden #darylmorey #joelembiid #tyresemaxey #nbatrade #nicknurse #NBA #SixersNews #nbanews #nbarumors #nbatraderumors




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  1. The worst part about this is that I held out hope the past two seasons that they could get over the hump once Doc got fired and now he's gone, but of course the organization is clearly too clueless to not sabotage itself which was evident well before Doc came into the picture anyway. Shame on me for holding on to that thread of hope.

  2. Any person with a brain knows Harden had a deal under the table,well, guess you don't have 1, stop being delusional and calling others stupid coz you are, nothing with money haha omg, he can't admit the truth for simple reason and you don't see it

  3. Sixers don’t have a real ass culture like the Heat, Spurs, Warriors who’ll set the tone and go upside the players head when they get outta bounds. They’ve been lacking that for a long time and no wonder why that they can’t get to the ECF.

  4. Philly is contender until playoff start. Then they turn into g-league team. no only harden that choke in playoff. Some would say it has been proven emblid don't have killer instinst like Butler. They choose harris over Butler that why the process is joke. During 10 yr process they haven't made it past second round. Watch within next yr or so emblid will be NY knick.

  5. All he had to do trade the guy instead of playing hardball. If Harden had just left the Sixers would have received nothing at all. Morey being greedy made this situation worse….

  6. God for FFS where is This team besides the Clippers who are willing to trade for Harden let alone give up assets to do so. It doesn't exist

  7. This dude a goofy !!! The clippers the only team wanted harden nobody else did y’all just asking for too much !! We was giving Marcus Morris Robert Covington Kobe brown a picc y’all want Terrance man we not doing it y’all gready

  8. Any chance Harden foolishly jumped the gun and Moreys statement was a negotiating ploy? If Harden said "i will pick up my option if you promise to trade me". And Morey said "deal", then you have to trade him. If thats the case Morey was probably just working on the deal.

  9. Get ready for Ben Simmons again !!! All y’all had too do is trade harden now look 👀 y’all could’ve got another player with his contract

  10. You have a good ability to see the big picture RB. Impressive given your age…usually you only see that ability in older folks.

  11. Sixers Please put that Negativity aside , Just give us better Players, We want that championship now, The fans want good shooters and taller players 😡😡😡😡😡😡😡

  12. James harden just screwed himself with NBA GM period..I would not sign harden at all..he should sent his agent to talk to Morey…not tell all in china wtf…😮…stupid strip club stuff

  13. NBA has gone downhill since they gave so much power to players, power needs to go back to teams so this kind of circus stops.

  14. Sixers..better get another GM..even Charles Barkley..knows basketball and get Allen Iverson and Dr J in on consultant to build sixers brand…no culture in city…since pat Croce..get it people…they do not care..owner has other businesses..😮

  15. Never seen a franchise sooo screw up…who is running this the sixers…from the top DOWN….play in tournament or worse..😮

  16. Sixers Please keep Maxey, Embiid, We still need more good Shooters ,😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡

  17. Dont blame Harden for investigation… 😂😂😂
    The NBA already k ew what was going on if they investigated PJ Tucker deal and took 2 2nds and tried to sweep the rest under a rug…
    This has been going on for a long time!😂😂😂😮

  18. So you don’t want to pay Harden but requesting multiple 1st round picks😂😂 Philly such a terrible franchise there’s a reason why they can’t keep any stars.

  19. The Sixers are career killers.
    It’s where championship aspirations go to die …
    but yall are mad at Harden for calling it out? And trading him will fix everything huh? Okkkk👍😂

  20. I believe based upon the fact that the NBA now is owned more by China than anything else that this is a way to get them to fire Daryl Morey. And they're more than happy to get rid of him because China wants him go 2:00 ne

  21. The cognitive dissonance is CRAZY!!! You take Harden’s statement as evidence that no handshake agreements happened DURING the same tampering process that revolves around his signing but then admit that if that were true then he’d be busted too! Doesn’t it seem most logical and likely that the latter is true but he’s not publicly ratting out the Sixers to the league but (if he’s smart) working with the FO (beyond Morey) to come to a fair conclusion? WAKE UP

  22. The NBA stepping into the Sixers business is the reason they're in this mess in the 1st place. if they didnt step in & fire Hinkie years back, the Sixers would have a championship roster by now. What needs to happen is the owner needs to step in & fire his joke of a GM to bring in somebody that knows how to make a trade

  23. I’m not even a Harden fan — I’m a fan of workers who stand up to sh1tty bosses and stop getting exploited.

    Harden’s not perfect but he did everything yall could ask — became the league’s #1 I’m Assists and set Embiid up for the MVP he wanted so bad , and then win y’all TWO playoff games single-handedly and yall memory hole all of that and ignore the cancerous front office that keeps setting yall up for more failure??

    MOREY has the long history of screwing players over and tampering, and THAT’S who will detract from players wanting to go there.

    But y’all keep scapegoating and losing your frustrated players instead of holding the front office responsible! Definition of insanity 🙃

  24. I'd trade Harden & Embid for Ayton, Beal, Bol Bol, and Watanabe with Suns. Younger talents early into their contracts.

  25. bam and herro for embiid. embiid and butler reunion in miami for a chip

  26. Wtf are you talking about they still lied to him and that’s why he called ol boy a liar lol. And I don’t even like him like that but that’s why you don’t mange handshake deals.

    And lol your getting this info from Woj😂😂😂

  27. Sixers fans are the worst best of luck bums😂😂😂😂😂

  28. I think we still championship level as long as we get a good role player for James harden and embeid and maxey can stay healthy and get some good role players around the two get rid of James harden and next Darryl Morey the two of them is drama

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