@Miami Heat

What are yall’s thoughts on this?

Imo Kawhi is good but he’s way too injury prone, but I guess they could use him when he’s healthy during the playoffs IMO….

by Sussy-Park-80


  1. realudonishaslem

    Clippers won’t do this unless they’re 100% certain Kawhi’s knees are done

  2. SolarPoweredDevil

    Don’t hate it. Jimmy/Kawhi would be like a modern Jordan and Jordan.

    Kawhi’s contract expires in 2025 and Jimmy in 2026, so they can get back into free agency when Tatum, Luka, and more hit free agency.

  3. Sebruhoni

    Nah, that’s an awful lot to give up for Kawhi considering he can’t stay healthy at all. He load managed and rested like crazy last season and still got hurt in the 1st round. IIRC, his condition is degenerative so it will only get worse. He’s a phenomenal player, but I think his career his over.

  4. avinash240

    Not sure why the Clippers would do that. If they would it means Kawhi is completely done, which means then the Heat shouldn’t do it.

  5. Flaky-Mathematician8

    Overpay for someone with burnt out knees

  6. BiscayneBeast

    Why would we trade for a player that never plays?

  7. VestmentsByGarak

    Why don’t we just sign Kareem Adbul-Jabbar, he’d probably play as many games as Kawhi.

  8. Helloitsmikelowrey

    Trade the best player in the leauge for Tyler hero and Caleb Martin 😂

  9. TrickstarCandina

    Too much of a wildcard. I would give up the world for a healthy Kawhi, anybody excluding Bam or Jimmy. But his knees are made of sawdust

  10. Cubacane

    Kawhi Leonard has played only two more NBA playoff games than me in the last two years.

  11. Prestigious_Shock146

    I like Bones. But not a good trade at all

  12. BowserBuddy123

    The Clippers and the Heat wouldn’t do that

  13. und3rc0v3r1sm

    Herro is young and healthy more often than I think kawhi will be for the rest of his career (however much longer he keeps trying to play and getting hurt)

  14. Inside-Big-8158

    Crack. That reporter is smoking crack.

  15. ElectionEnough5905

    Lmfao I’m going straight to 2k and simulating this 😂

  16. Prynce27

    Although kawhi has health issues they would rather just wait for his return and pray he stays healthy than get players they aren’t going anywhere with

  17. RealPropRandy


  18. EddieJones6

    Heat are usually holding out players unless they’re close to 100% healthy. I don’t think Kawhi would see the court with his leg injuries

  19. Bright_Bite365

    Hell no. Keep Herro and Bam together! Two great players you can keep for longevity. More pieces will come. These guys are young.

    Forget the Dame thing if you have to sell the farm.

    This year’s roster is already better than last year’s.

  20. Holiday-Somewhere-96

    Definitely taking him over dame but the price is too high

  21. emperorakashi23

    Kawhi is way too injury-prone. I know he can be amazing when healthy, but it’s too much of a risk. Hard pass.

  22. Innsmouth_Swim_Team

    I’d trade Duncan Robinson and a 2RP for Kawhi and that’s my best offer.

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