@National Basketball Association

[Kuzma] California getting hurricanes is proof y’all need to stop littering or the govt just be trying things out 😭🤦🏽‍♂️

Conspiracy Kuz sent out this X-post (what do we call them now?) last night regarding Hurricane Hilary hitting California, but he quickly deleted it.

Does Kyle “Captain Planet” Kuzma have a point about littering causing the government to clean the streets with a hurricane?


by iksnet


  1. QCWiggins

    Brb. Gonna call my local congressman and ask if they can turn the temperature down

  2. VladPutinOfficial

    He’s a little confused but he got the spirit

  3. GregEgg4President

    > Kuz sent out this X-post (what do we call them now?)

    Most of us call them tweets

  4. Inverse_wsb22

    He’s in Washington he knows better than us, he’s all ear, and ear buds.

  5. RIPOldAccountF

    Ok well I prefer a hurricane over the drought we had for a decade so I’m gonna go out and liter more. Thanks Kuz!

  6. JohnnyFootballHero

    Maui got wildfires coz you touch yourself

  7. fridgey22

    I feel dumber for having read this post.

  8. Holiday-Somewhere-96

    Kuz on California right now: welcome to dinshittie island

  9. brajpop

    I knew littering caused hurricanes, thanks for confirming this Kyle

  10. Is he saying the government caused the hurricane…?

  11. IdiocracyIsUponUs

    I wonder if he was wearing his favorite pink sweater while posting that BS

  12. throwawaythursday99

    I would say *stay in school, kids* but some out there like Rudy Giuliani have a law degree lol

  13. shortsermons

    NBA players really have goo for brains.

  14. I think he’s seen geostorm too many times. What I got from the statement is the government made a hurricane to clean the streets not humans are causing climate change

  15. WholeWideHeart

    He would be a good addition to the environmentalist movement, someone just needs to feed him better talking points…

  16. CarBallAlex

    It’s twitter. You can call it a tweet. It’s a website and doesn’t have feelings; you can dead name it and everyone will know what you’re talking about.

  17. Gristle__McThornbody

    It wasn’t even a Hurricane when it landed in California. It was so weak the hype it got was embarrassing.

  18. byebyebrain

    this is why people need to actually get an education.

  19. ratonbox

    The NBA concussion protocol makes a lot more sense now.

  20. ThislsMyAccount22

    🎶 Captain Kuzma,

    🎵 He’s our hero….

  21. 1850ChoochGator

    Obvious joke and yall are way too into the idea he genuinely believes it

  22. I’m pretty sure he’s joking… this reads like a group chat 😭

  23. He has a point. Parts of California are filthy

  24. nonstopenguins

    I think the real idiots are the Redditors on here who don’t get Kuzma’s sarcasm and are calling him dumb.

    English is not even my native language and I can catch the sarcasm

  25. the government are both the biggest idiots ever but also the smartest, most evil people on the planet apparently

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