@Minnesota Timberwolves

Anthony Edwards Reacts To His USA Dunk 😱 | #timberwolves #shorts #usabasketball


  1. Posters won't do this one justice.

    To essentially do a vertical leap jump with barely a one step gather, from like 2 feet outside the restricted area, ON DUDE'S HEAD . . . look out World!

    Theis is also 2 inches taller than Ant.

  2. ant u gotta understand how much love you got in MN make others play on your team

  3. Mj is that you just joking but ant is the truth future face of the nba he gonna get the wolves the chip

  4. Funny how he didn't know he was going to dunk it. When it becomes instinctual to do that without thinking, you know it's that mamba mentality where your body says go for the kill without thinking.

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