@National Basketball Association

[Vivek] It’s also in the lawsuit, but Azotam also forwarded a playbook of 270 Nuggets plays and the Dallas Mavericks play frequency report. Hmm – I wonder why the Raptors would need that all of a sudden…. suspicious, ain’t it?


This Knicks writer is suggesting the Raotors also stole from the Mavericks and Nuggets.

I wonder what the implications are for the Raptors new Head Coach and the longstanding front office.

There was a similar scandal in the MLB a few years ago, people got sent to federal prison.

by efficientshelter69


  1. Playing the long game for *checks notes* Nikola’s 2028 free agency

  2. so the Knicks had nuggets and mavs data as well?

    edit: unless he just didn’t use it with them

  3. Powerglove2000

    This is such a bad look…..

    To feel the need to steal from another team is so embarrassing.

  4. HoopsHistoryGuy

    Couldn’t have locked the nerds in a room for the day and sampled 10ish Knick games and hand documented this? Are the Raptors looking this hard to compete this hard with the old core?

  5. hdlothia22

    what’s the implication? recruiting euro stars because the head coach is a euro? siakam trade? why is it interesting that they looked for nuggets and dallas info.

  6. Makes no sense. Asking employees to do it employees doing it, it’s just insane and it’s all on synergy too just scout. If all this is true it’s wild

  7. wholewheatwithPB


  8. HypeSpeed

    We will never live this down.

    I am embarrassed as a fan.

    Fade me.

  9. RVAIsTheGreatest

    On the surface, this is worse than many of the scandals we’ve seen recently across sports such as Belichick and worse than what we saw with the Astros. It’s on par with the Cardinals scandal that u/efficientshelter69 I believe alluded to in which the main ringleader was imprisoned for 46 months.

    This is very bad for Mr. Azotam who likely has seen his career in NBA ball come to an end if this is validated, but it’s also bad for the Raptors.

  10. Couldn’t the raptors literally jus get this same information by using their own account?

  11. anonymousnuisance

    … I know this is going to sound like a homer take… Unless they stole actual insider info and not like second spectrum data.. like we’re these plays the Nuggets ran last year? At that point it’s basically public record, you can just find this info online. Play frequency, this is basically what Kevin O’Connor uses in every article he’s ever written… That’s insider knowledge? It’s literally stats based off public record…

    Unless I’m missing something and they took like new plays written for 23-24, what is everyone freaking out about. Obviously this moron shouldn’t have taken data from his last job, but it’s not like he stole financial data and is blackmailing people with it. It sounds like he collected info on other teams as part of his job and just brought it with him to his next employer. Not great, obviously if you’ve seen season 1 of Silicon Valley, work done at your job is owned by them, but I’m not going to act like he stole nuclear launch codes.

  12. They really stole the Nuggets playbook. Thats major.Might have some draft picks taken along with a big fine.

  13. Biggest scandal in a long time, this is gonna be interesting

  14. PensiveinNJ

    I’m not sure but I think what it means is the Raptors should trade Siakam and OG for Harden.

  15. >There was a similar scandal in the MLB a few years ago, people got sent to federal prison.

    Not that similar. It involved hacking, a federal investigation and prospects which directly equate to monetary value. Ex-employee “hacked” previous team’s database with his old password. The reason he gave was he wanted to check the previous team weren’t stealing their current data lol.

    Also, it sounded like Knicks gave Raptors some time to self-punish and only filed lawsuit after that didn’t happen.

    It’s serious because they didn’t go via the league and filed a lawsuit themselves.

  16. Askmeagainlouder

    Knicks havent done shit with data. Draft a Fredric Weis he bound to be a star. Frank Nitkita get him too, while yiu are at it get Evan Fournier a long term deal

  17. 1850ChoochGator

    Hopefully for the raptors this doesn’t go very deep. Could get extremely messy. On and off the court.

    They’ll likely have to fire the coaching staff. If the FO is involved, we’ll probably see some draft pick forfeiture and a mass exodus of uninvolved people.

    Right before the raptors rebuild too that’s gonna be very rough.

  18. FultzShoulder

    Why is the Sacramento Kings owner tweeting this lol.

  19. butterflyl3

    270 nuggets plays? Imagine being asked to memorize all of them as players 🤣🤣🤣

  20. QueasyDrummer00

    Quick! Someone find out how the Knicks did against the Mavs and Nuggets!!

  21. Read these elsewhere …

    “On Aug. 11, he sent two emails from his Knicks email address to his new Raptors email address containing “proprietary information with highly confidential material,” the lawsuit said.”

    Yikes. As a Toronto fan, this shit is embarrassing. I can’t see how Darko continues after this. If he had ANY involvement, he’s cooked.

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