@Boston Celtics

Pat Bev doesn’t think the duo in Boston can get it done together

Surprised I haven’t seen anyone mention this in the sun. Pat Bev mentioned this on his podcast. Hope the Jays take it as fuel

by deets23_


  1. Goodbye_megaton

    Not sure what makes Pat Bev an authority on how to win

  2. theyrehiding

    And then that dork joins the sixers like they’re about to get it done together LOL. It’s way more likely to happen here

  3. CarBallAlex

    Notorious NBA winner Patrick Beverley. He knows what it takes to win a championship. Only time he got out of the second round was when he averaged 5/2/1 in 19 MPG. He’ll fit great with Embiid.

  4. Non-NewtonianSnake

    It probably hasn’t been mentioned because nobody really cares what Pat Bev thinks.

  5. CommunityGlittering2

    That’s why they got KP, problem solved.

  6. inaofficeonreddit

    I think they work well together but i’m honestly not sure if Tatum can be that #1 guy who gets us to the promise-land.

    If we had a 24 year old Bron, Kobe, DWade, Melo, KG, I really do think we would’ve got that ring against the Dubs. Hell even a Paul Pierce around that age would’ve come closer to bringing it home with this team.

    He’s still young and all, I get that, but I feel like he gets a level of respect from the league which he hasn’t earned yet.

  7. LCBloodraven

    Well Pat I don’t think Boston is going to listen to the opinions of a guys that celebrates play in victories.

  8. I mean he’s not wrong. These guys are going to get this type of criticism till they win a ring

  9. Medium_Egg1968

    He’s just plain wrong on this one. JT compliments everyone he plays with and JB compliments no one he plays with.

  10. PebblyJackGlasscock

    He’s out of line, but he’s got a point.

    Obviously I don’t think they can’t win together. That’s preposterous.

    They HAVE BEEN too similar, and not complementary enough. Part of that is they came to the NBA with the ‘best player almost every game their whole life’ skill set that AAU and prep ball made them play. They’ve grown and diversified as individual players, and as teammates., every year.

    But they haven’t YET relinquished all those “bad habits” and, too often, fall back upon them. It has gotten better every year though and there’s no reason to think they won’t continue to improve as individuals and teammates going forward.

    JB’s comments since getting paid have been revelatory IMO. I expect him to be _different_ now that his financial future isn’t based on stats and popular votes.

    Meanwhile, Brad has built a roster that forces Tatum to handle and distribute and create. “Point Tatum” is happening.

    Will they continue to be “too similar”? No, I think that structural and personal changes will make them better together than they ever have before.

    Go Celtics.

  11. Eisenhorn76

    The only thing PatBev is good at is camera work and even Hollywood didn’t want him in the end…

  12. What he says is not necessarily what he thinks. He is clearly trolling.

  13. CPU_LEO

    Who cares what Pat Bev thinks? Prob my least favorite player in the nba honestly

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