@Indiana Pacers

Overlooked Title Contender in 2023 FIBA World Cup

Could Germany be the dark horse of the upcoming Basketball World Cup? Many don’t see them as serious title contenders, but that’s a mistake because Germany has a well-balanced team that is capable of outscoring anyone and can be defensively solid.

Check out our other video about the 2023 FIBA World Cup where we take a look at the best underdogs:


  1. They choked big time against the US but it was only a meaningless friendly. I mean the US lost to Nigeria in a friendly in 2021 and Nigeria went on to lose all 3 games so it's hard to judge from friendlies.

  2. If they play close to perfect they might have a chance but i doubt it. They have streches when it seems like they don't know how to score. Points dont come to them as easy as they should. If the outsideshots arent falling its going to be very tough because only dennis and franz can drive to the basket

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