@Portland Trail Blazers

Questions about Dame’s (un)official promoter, Aaron Fentress

Seems like most people in this sub are aware that Fentress essentially functions as promoter/mouthpiece for Dame. However, he’s a journalist which is supposed to hold him to a higher standard than some fan writing about a player/team.

From Wikipedia: “Truth”, “accuracy”, and “objectivity” are cornerstones of journalism ethics. Journalists should strive to detach themselves from regions, groups and even countries they reside from or in to an extent. Allowing for that separation to prevent influenced bias play a part in their journalistic writing.”

Where’s the objectivity? Dame isn’t perfect, but I don’t believe he’s ever said anything negative about him.

I know lots of people clown him in this sub and on Twitter, but I’m curious about the technicalities of accountability and instances of other beat writers/journalists calling him out, making fun of him, or just rolling their eyes at his takes. Only instance coming to mind is an interview with [Justin Termine on NBA radio on July 4]( (Not sure if the segment is archived, that’s just a link to the tweet announcing the interview) He stood up to him more than anyone I’ve ever heard. Could have been better, but it was awesome. One of the comments summed it up, “Well I just listened to Fentress. He sounded like Dame’s agent not a journalist.”

It’s just sports, but it seems like he crosses the line ethically. If not, where’s the line and how far do you have to cross it before there are actual repercussions?

I’m not angry or anything; I hope he and Dame feel like they’re living their best lives. I find it comedic at this point, but I have a philosophical curiosity. Do any of you have thoughts/industry insights?

by ja-mez

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