@National Basketball Association

New Zealand perform the Haka in front of USA at FIBA World Cup 2023

New Zealand perform the Haka in front of USA at FIBA World Cup 2023

by TheRealPdGaming


  1. Very glad to see that this time around, the response to the haka on social media has been more one of intrigue and less one of ridicule.

    As a Māori, being from such a small yet passionate culture, it hurts to see people revelling in such proud ignorance

    One of the funniest things is seeing how many ignorant, macho rage people get offended by it. Seeing guys say “i’d beat tf out of them if they ever did that in front of me” is hilarious. It’s traditionally a call to challenge when used in this context

  2. lost_in_trepidation

    I don’t think it’s fair that only one team gets to perform an intimidating dance.

  3. Beantown_Kid

    Bruh Bobby Portis and Walker Kessler got those flared nostrils you get when you tryin not to laugh during a class presentation

  4. KellerFF

    Love when teams hit the Haka, first time I’ve seen a basketball team do it. But imagine them doing that to the original Dream Team lol

    Mike would of turned SSJ just on pure ignorance and motivation.

  5. FatherHaz

    “This generation of players played against dancers”

  6. Phenomenal2313

    Nothing beats James Harden’s reaction in 2014 , pure shock

  7. grundle_pie

    Bobby Portis thought he had the crazy eyes

  8. Capital_Potato751

    I’m honestly tired of seeing this.

  9. fuckitiroastedyou

    Ok, “Tall Blacks” is a great team name.

  10. greymatterupgraded

    Gotta pretend to be scared of the stupid dance fellas

  11. Jalen Brunson looks like he’s trying to find out which one is Haka

  12. StyrofoamTuph

    New Zealand Rugby: All Blacks

    New Zealand Cricket: Black Caps

    New Zealand Basketball: Tall Blacks

    NZ really has something amazing here and I hope they continue to build on it.

  13. summernightsmood

    Honestly I’d be more intimidated by Bobby Portis staring me down.

  14. SlyMrF0x

    Just once in my life I want to do something worthy of being Haka’d at 🥲

  15. MurphyJames

    It’s 2023…. This stuff is cringe.

  16. therealcrowhorse

    love to see Indigenous ways in the game, now where steve adams at

  17. NewspaperAdditional7

    Honest question. Is it not weird for a non Maori New Zealander to do the haka? In North America there would be discussions of cultural appropriation I would think.

  18. TylerTurtle25

    Ooooh scary…, then the final score be like 129-45

  19. DoctorFunktopus

    Bobby portis at home later googling how to become New Zealand citizen

  20. ndunks1

    Really only looks cool when their rugby team does it. When you get shit on after doing it it loses something

  21. Btotherianx

    Wait, they are called “the tall blacks”?

  22. VikingArmyToGo

    Why is New Zealand allowed to do the Haka outside of rugby? If you think about it, its basically trash talking the other team before the match starts. If you translate the haka to English, they’re basically saying “We’re going to assert our dominance over you and kick your ass”.

    So then the other team should get a chance to talk trash back.

  23. SchonChris

    Why is it that any time there is ever a Haka anywhere on the internet it needs to be broadcast as soon as possible to everyone. I vote we share more videos where the Star Spangled Banner is sung

  24. bolderdasher

    That’s the worst one I’ve seen out of all the Haka videos

  25. Tributetobeauty

    Good but there’s some kind of violent tension in the rugby dudes’ version I don’t feel here smh

  26. sublux_nz

    I grew up with a bunch of these Tall Blacks, played basketball against/with them when we were teenagers. So seeing them perform the haka against the best NBA players is a surreal feeling, I am so happy for them

  27. Sullan08

    This is one of those things where other countries have to act like they respect what’s going on but really everyone is just like “wtf is goin on with these weirdos? They know it’s just a sport right?”

    I should say I think everyone should respect the culture side of it, but the intimidation just doesn’t work the same outside of rugby.

    I think it can look kinda cool in rugby just because of the whole sport being more brutal and the atmosphere in general, but outside of that it looks absolutely ridiculous.

  28. collapse1122

    all this yelling just to get their ass beat by 30 . nz does not have a competitive basketball team and its ridiculous that one team is forced to sit there and watch this. rugby is different since they are world class but here its just silly, not a single team is intimidated by nz bball

  29. iamconstant

    Why do they always do this? Is it in lieu of the national anthem? Why is this allowed?

  30. wut_eva_bish

    Culturally awesome, but a little cringy knowing they got a 27 piece dropped on them come 2 hours later.

  31. All that to get their doors blown off by our like C team.

    Kudos to our boys for keeping a straight face

  32. Sirshmuelington

    I’m sorry but… I think the Haka is just being overdone now. Let the Rugby team do it of course but it sure seems like a big fad and kind of silly for a basketball team to do…let alone all the other Hakas we’ve seen on social media and what not. Taking away nothin from the actual cultural significance which I get… I just think this is silly and diminishing the point of the Haka in general

  33. CharlesDingus_ah_um

    Look the dance is cool and all but this video is so god damn hilarious. I need a dub over this video with the squeaking sneakers sound

  34. glennromer

    It’s impossible for this not to look awkward when they keep cutting to the faces of the US team. Just random shots of blank stares. Like what are they supposed to do?

  35. Indieidea

    Does the opponent have to be in front of the performers, can they just chill on the bench and be spectator or no?

  36. beeesnaxxx

    If the US did some shit like this we’d have 24/7 news coverage of toxic nationalism.

  37. owenbegowen

    I’ve only seen one or two Hakas in person but both times I felt an overwhelming sense of respect and appreciation. It’s truly a different experience when you’re in front of 10-15 guys moving in sync preparing themselves for war, even if it’s for a sporting event or a celebration.

  38. Whiston1993

    I fell like this translates better in a sport like rugby where it’s a more physical sport. Doing this they immediately going out and trying to hit open 3s doesn’t hit the same

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