@National Basketball Association

[Mirin Fader] ‘After feeling so down that he was too ashamed to go outside, Greg Oden says he has finally found peace and happiness.’

Glad Greg Oden has finally recovered from the bust label and all the sadness his unfortunate career brought to his life. Truly a big what if in nba history.

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by errrk_73


  1. dkong86

    Before the comments start flying in, money, even millions of dollars, can’t guarantee you peace of mind or good mental health. Happy for GO, he’s had some tough breaks and recovered from a career path gone awry neither he nor anyone else wanted.

  2. QualityEvening3466

    It’s so sad he felt that way. None of it was his fault.

  3. Gristle__McThornbody

    I know there was hype around him entering the NBA but knowing what the NBA is now his skill set would not have that big of an impact. He was eventually going to be another Clint Capela.

  4. PRsAndDR

    > Glad Greg Oden has finally recovered from the bust label

    Idk why this wording is so peculiar to me. Like “bust label” is a diagnosis.

  5. solonharmony

    Glad for the guy. Many don’t ever find peace and happiness

  6. RokkintheKasbah

    I’m glad he was finally able to find happiness in his 80’s. We all deserve to find our best self. Even if it takes us 8 decades to get there.

  7. itssensei

    Sad, he looked like the real deal too.

    Glad to hear he’s doing better and seemingly found closure.

  8. Yoke_Enthusiast

    Bad luck forced him to have the career Zion is basically having by choice it’s sad man

  9. untidybingo

    Glad to see Greg Oden finally shining and find his peace. Big what-if in NBA history for sure!

  10. AdmiralSnackbar816

    Greg, you’re the victim of misfortune. You were an incredible talent that was limited by things out of your control. Im just bummed nobody got to see you at your best.

  11. joseelchapoo

    Good for him. It’s not like he sucked, when he played he was a pretty good player. Injuries just suck

  12. Cannot_See_Toes

    Greg Oden was never a bust, when he was healthy you could see the talent. A bust is someone like Anthony Bennett who had no hope on the court

  13. Captainprice101

    Feel bad for guys like Greg Oden, Kwame Brown, Milicic, etc

  14. HamburglarBunz

    He wasn’t a bust, he just got hurt. I feel like the term “bust” should be reserved for those who were just flat out ass. If Oden was healthy, he would’ve been a monster.

  15. Having knee injuries and surgery soon myself i cant imagine what he went through. I only play pickup and he could of been a star. Wish him the best.

  16. LyonsKing12

    Injuries don’t count when determining if someone was a bust.

    There was no doubt he was going to be a star imo.

  17. Hikikomori79

    Yeh, even mel Turpin (pick 6 in the 1984 draft) to be honest , worked as a security guard by the end of his journey – still imparted something no matter how frivolous and ‘insignificant’, just because you are or were an elite sportsman doesn’t mean you get a leg up in life – what about the remaining hours of the day / remaining days of your life when you step off the court ?

  18. WhatShouldTheHeartDo

    It’s tough to wake up everyday, and play the what if game with your life.

    No sensible NBA fan considers Oden a bust, it’s just injuries, but for a guy like Oden he has to live not seeing his dream life all the way through, for people (and I can relate to this) who never quite reached where they wanna be yet, it’s frustrating.

    And he knows his playing days are over, sure he has money but he wanted to be happy.

  19. Present-Trainer2963

    Happy for him – there’s something about not being able to live up to your potential/other’s expectations due to factors outside your control- it can really break you. Happy he found peace.

  20. kickinwood

    It’s important to remember that Portland drafted him over KD and we were all like, “Yeah. Good pick.” This wasn’t a Sam Bowie situation when passing on MJ was immediately stupid. Oden looked that great. Always seemed like a good dude. Hope he has a great life.

  21. giunta13

    Uplifting news. Seemed like a good dude and health let him down

  22. hgeyer99

    Saw him at a bar in Columbus after his nba days. Tallest person I’ve ever seen that close, it was wild.

  23. interstellar304

    No reason for him to feel any remorse. His body just didn’t hold up to the demands of the NBA. Was a hell of a talent and it’s a sad “what if” but he should hold his head high and live out his life with happiness

  24. Phenomenal2313

    When he actually played , dude was a game changer on both ends

    Him-Roy-LMA were set to dominate the west for many years

  25. SamVilian1893

    It’s a better story to note Ohio state university allowed him back to get a education. He should utilized his talents there first. So so so many of these bozos take for granite they are getting s free eduction while tons of kids can’t go at all.. sicking how the higher eduction systems in US utilize money and resources for these clowns that never attend a class but have a scholarship

  26. insignia200

    Just checked his basketball reference and forgot he stopped playing at TWENTY SIX years old. Only 105 games played. Damn. I wish this man the best.

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